DIRTY Sanchez profile picture

DIRTY Sanchez

just cause i talk to u, doesn't mean we're friends

About Me

cartoon layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com love / music / movies / frazyIm just your ordinary run of the mill vato...my hobbies are bouncing off flat surfaces and trying not to get run over on my motorcycle. I like sunsets, long walks on the beach...and uh...eating taco bell. People have told me im a pretty nice person, when im in a good mood. Slow to anger, quick to forgive. I totally dig the discovery channel and dream of opening my own motorcycle shop. Ohh ya...i totally dig cartoons and romantic comedies/teen dramas...dont ask me why cause your gonna get a stupid answer. I enjoy laughing and can find humor in mostly anything. I play the guitar kinda and sing and used to be in a band. Im am also an anti starbucks fanatic and despise the yuppie commercialized image that surrounds it...and i love kittens. Dont know what else to say...uh...ok luv u bubye

My Interests

Motorcycles, cartoons, MEAT, Tacos, guitars, beach, literature, shopping, movies, classic mustangs, ps2, nicotine, mountain dew, KITTENS and PUPPIES...uh...and lots of other stuff but im getting to impatient to write anymore...

I'd like to meet:

People who know how to smile, have fun, and dont SUCK!!!

adopt your own virtual pet!


HARD ROCK, alternative, rap, Some hiphop...mostly stuff like revis, maroon 5, vanessa carlton, Evanescence (she is soooo hot!!), Creed, Staind, Default, Linkin Park, Obie Trice, uh...classical mozart and beethoven, john coltrane and miles davis...not to picky unless its like teen pop like that chick from lizzie maguire ..


SUspense thrillers, stuff that makes you think like Phone booth or frailty. Totally dig romantic comedies(one of my more embarasing vices). Dig cop dramas life NARC, and love anything produced my KEVIN SMITH or with JASON LEE in it...pretty open with movies..


MONSTER HOUSE/GARAGE, AMERICAN CHOPPER, the SHIELD, BATTLESTAR G, scrubs!! Most cartoons like the tick or invader zim...dig dexters lab...stupid stuff that makes you laugh...oh ya....Classic tom and jerry...


Anything scifi/fantasy, Pratchett, Card, Bova, Salvatore, Gemmel, Eddings, Sagan, all kinds of books...also like DIckenson, tennison, and some other poets whose names i cant remeber right now...


People who live their lives to the fullest with no regrets and no give. People who keep on struggling no matter what the odds and cost to do the right thing for themselves and the people they love. oh yah...and the dude that invented crustables...those things kick ASS!!!

My Blog

miss me yet?

ok folks...in case yall didnt know, i 've been in idaho for a week now and im fricken tired.  This place is hot, dry, and i havent seen a building taller that 2 stories yet. ( those of you who kn...
Posted by DIRTY Sanchez on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 05:18:00 PST

Farewell to the weekend...

well...another weekend is over, and im overcome with the reality of having to spend another 5 days at work. Sometimes if feels like you wait for the weekend all week, you spend the few precious days ...
Posted by DIRTY Sanchez on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


You ever wake up in the morning after a long nite of partying and find a bunch of messages in your myspace inbox...and not even remember myspacing? Its always so confusing to check your myspace in th...
Posted by DIRTY Sanchez on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


So im sitting here, at like 2 am...thinking about shit that you can only think about after a couple of drinks, and wondering whats missing. You ever get that feeling? You could be completely happy w...
Posted by DIRTY Sanchez on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a peek into the mind of a social misfit....

I look out my window and all i see is fricken water...rain, rain and more rain. The love of my life is out there with her inner most workings exposed to the harsh elements and uncaring world. I see ...
Posted by DIRTY Sanchez on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST