Motorcycles, cartoons, MEAT, Tacos, guitars, beach, literature, shopping, movies, classic mustangs, ps2, nicotine, mountain dew, KITTENS and PUPPIES...uh...and lots of other stuff but im getting to impatient to write anymore...
People who know how to smile, have fun, and dont SUCK!!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
HARD ROCK, alternative, rap, Some hiphop...mostly stuff like revis, maroon 5, vanessa carlton, Evanescence (she is soooo hot!!), Creed, Staind, Default, Linkin Park, Obie Trice, uh...classical mozart and beethoven, john coltrane and miles davis...not to picky unless its like teen pop like that chick from lizzie maguire ..
SUspense thrillers, stuff that makes you think like Phone booth or frailty. Totally dig romantic comedies(one of my more embarasing vices). Dig cop dramas life NARC, and love anything produced my KEVIN SMITH or with JASON LEE in it...pretty open with movies..
MONSTER HOUSE/GARAGE, AMERICAN CHOPPER, the SHIELD, BATTLESTAR G, scrubs!! Most cartoons like the tick or invader zim...dig dexters lab...stupid stuff that makes you laugh...oh ya....Classic tom and jerry...
Anything scifi/fantasy, Pratchett, Card, Bova, Salvatore, Gemmel, Eddings, Sagan, all kinds of books...also like DIckenson, tennison, and some other poets whose names i cant remeber right now...
People who live their lives to the fullest with no regrets and no give. People who keep on struggling no matter what the odds and cost to do the right thing for themselves and the people they love. oh yah...and the dude that invented crustables...those things kick ASS!!!