Motorcycling, Writing, reading, hanging out, being with people and having a good time. - " You are 100% biker !"
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Any Christian who tries to fulfill Christ's commission and isn't into Churchianity. Any Marine or special forces individuals who have served their country. Any biker who is honest with him/herself (and others) and is worth their salt. Any police officer who still has their sanity, or those who have lost it and want to return. Anyone between 18 and 80 who wants to be friends, doesn't play games, aren't judgmental, and can be themselves. Murderers, adulterers, robbers, burglars and sinners are welcome, but the self-righteous need to stay away. Wannabees will always be wannabees unless they step out in faith and courage and do what has to be done. Please, no drama!!!
Almost everything! Don't care much for heavy metal, vulgar rap, or down home blue grass.
300, Apolcalyse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Forest Gump, Sling Blade, How the West Was Won, Dirty Harry, Platoon, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Fargo, Rainman, Ben-Hur, The Green Mile, Patton, Pirates of the Carribean, Men in Black, Gladiator, The Deer Hunter, The Sixth Sense, A Beautiful Mind, American Beauty, Evita, Tombstone, Silence of the Lambs, God Father, and many, many more.
24, CSI, Lost, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Fox News
The Bible, Showdown by Larry Elder, Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin, Boundaries, Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby, Inside the United Nations by Steve Bonta, The Ten Things You can't say in America by Larry Elder, Flyboys and Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley, The Art of Profiling by Dan Korem, Blinded by Might by Cal Thomas & Ed Dobson, Christianity In Crisis by Hank Hannegraaff, Myths Of American Slavery and The South Was Right! by Walter D. Kennedy, and leadership books by James Maxwell, Hell's Angels: Three can Keep a Secret if Two are Dead by Yves Lavigne. Fiction - almost anything by Stephen King, Nelson DeMille, James Patterson, T.Jefferson Parker, William Diehl, J.F. Freedman, Jonathan Kellerman