Time with my wife (and kids too) Going to movies, eating out, helping Families get stronger...especially our ministry home to families (couples and kids too) Offering a safe place for families to come to!
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Some of the disciples, maybe Peter, Paul and of course Mary. Jesus...Billy Graham...CS Lewis, Andrew Murray, EM Bounds,Oswald Chambers,George Mueller....Christians in Africa, Russia, China....Corrie Ten Boom...Singers/ministers/preachers who stay true to their spouses....Successful people who really walk with the Lord. Just ordinary couples who avoid the "sins" of this world (you know adultry, drugs and compromising with intoxicating liquids) and who really just want to go for it with Jesus in their life.They don't "care" about the stuff of this world. they WANT HIM...abiding dwelling deep inside!........I want to meet teens, actually those in their early 20's who stayed true to God and didn't compromise, and give into pressures of SEX, drugs, and damaging media (Movie TV and song) Iwant to talk to you out there. I want to meet Adults couple who DON'T let Movies, TV and the Media dictate their philosphies of life, but can say honestly they spend time together in prayer and reading the WORD with their spouse! Is there such couples left out there?
Joy Williams, Twila, Selah, J. Cash, Truth, M W Smith, Amy Grant, Shirley, Joe Estes,Kenny G, The Monkees, Mark and Jeff's favorite group More Videos
All 007 James Bond flicks, Ben Hur, Castaway, Titanic, Old MOVIES, Batman Begins,Italian Job, Any Star Wars,Entrapment, Spider Man, Rear Window, Romantic comedies,Shadowlands...a tenderhearted Tear-jerkers Too!
The Waltons, Little House, Mary Tyler Moore Bob Newhart, 24, Idol, Lost, NFL Football, Mavericks
Bible,those that point you to a walk with JESUS Too many! Hearing God, Prayer by both Murray and Bounds, Corrie Ten Boom Books,
George Muller, Corrie Ten Boom...Above all the rest Janette, my wife...Jesus is not my "heroe" He is my Savior, above heroe status! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual &videoid=1440291372