To the one true God above: here is my prayer - not the first you've heard, but the first I wrote. (not the first, but the others were a long time ago). There are two people here, and I want you to kill them. Her - she can go quietly, by disease or a blow to the base of her neck, where her necklaces close, where her garments come together, where I used to lay my face... That's where you oughta kill her, in that particular place. Him - just fucking kill him, I don't care if it hurts. Yes I do, I want it to, fucking kill him but first make him cry like a woman, (no particular woman), let him hold out, hold back (someone or other might come and fucking kill him). Fucking kill him. Kill him already, kill him. Fucking kill him, fucking kill him, Kill him already, kill him. Fucking kill him, fucking kill him, Kill him already, kill him. Just fucking kill him! Fucking kill him, Fucking kill him already, kill him. Ah Fucking kill him, fucking kill him, Kill him already, kill him. Kill him already, kill him already Kill him, fucking kill him. Just fucking kill him, fuckin kill him, Kill him already, kill him. Fuckin kill him, kill him, Fucking kill him already, kill him.Kill him, fucking kill him, Kill him, just fucking kill him. Kill them already, kill them already, Kill him. Amen.
As if that blind rage had washed me clean, rid me of hope; for the first time, in that night alive with signs and stars, I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world. Finding it so much like myselfso like a brother, reallyI felt that I had been happy and that I was happy again. For everything to be consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate.
the stranger