Member Since: 9/8/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: I've had too many great players who have taken my words and my melodies and made them into pieces of everything they are.Much thanks to the ones who have put their heart and soul into the whole picture and create what comes naturally.special thanks to the core,
Dave Heidt (Multi intstrumentalist/ producer/ friend) "Plain Words" co-creater
Paul Chiten (Producer, writer, mentor, counselor, angel) best friend in and out of the studio, can always depend on to answer my phone calls.
Micheal Mcdaniel (Percussion,drums,vocals and confidant) My comfort in the wierd world of music, checks on me.
Kenney Polson (Jazz Sax) family since Labor Day weekend 2001, Partner in soul and music forever on this earth and beyond.
Andy "Woody" Woods (BAss, vocals) One cool granola from the East. Willing to play anytime anywhere even without hope for pay.
Mike Steif (drums, accoustic guitar, vocals, DJ) Man of my dreams if it weren't for his name...
Wes Broadway (graphics, web design, guitar) A hell of a catch for what I'm doing and he likes beer!
Sounds Like: Heidi swan sounds like Heidi Swan, no real genre to pigeon hole her to, but her own destiny in music. Whatever that may be.Stubborn in conforming to the way life should be... asking questions all the way around....what is normal....for who and for why's sake? You ask me!I'll add later when I'm not so's been quite a ride for awhile...but I never leave for long.Why do I do music? Because I can!
Record Label: HoZone Productions
Type of Label: Indie