I was born in Trieste, I'm a singer, many instruments player, arranger and producer.At the end of the '70, while I was studying double bass,at the School of Music "Tartini" in Trieste, I have started the musical career collaborating with some local bands as shift worker in live session and studio recording.
From '85 to '90 as sound engineer with some audio company: Recalme Rents, On Stage, R.R. Stage Studios...I have worked with some artists like: Joe Coker,Vasco Rossi,Ivan Graziani,Al Jarreau,The Wailers,Gary Moore,Sarah Vaughan,Stan Getz,Marillion,Charlie Haden...and more.In the '90 I have started again the musical job with a solo project that during 10 years, before with Frankie and The Spare Parts, after with The East Tornado,has permitteded me to play many gigs (over 500), and to be present in some important national shows like:
Arezzo Wave,Emergenza Rock,Sanremo Giovani Autori (finale 1994), Sanremo Giovani ( Accademia della Canzone): 1996 Premio Speciale della Critica and 1997 finale, Note di Primavera (Reggio Calabria) 1996 Premio della Critica, Parole e Musica per la Canzone D'Autore (Genova) 1997 Primo Classificato. In the 1996 guest of Help (TMC2) Red Ronnie's TV Show.In the 1999 I have formed a rock band Sottofalsonome with: Silvano "Silver" Bassi on the drums, Enrico "Shaman" Pettarosso on the bass, Andrea "Rettile" Lugnani on the keyboards, Andrea "Toio" Vittori on the guitar, and I on lead vocal and guitar. After some changes the band has become a power trio with Silver on the drums, Toio on the lead guitar and I on the lead vocal and bass. As Sottofalsonome we have played than not only in Italy but in Osterreich, Slovenija, Hrvatska,....like: Biker Fest 1995,1999,2004,New Year's Day Gorizia 2005, i-Tim Tour Trieste 2002, New Year's day trieste 2000,2001,2002, Barcolana Festival 2001, Song Festival Velden Osterreich, Progressive Rock Festival Trieste 2005.During all those years I have had the honor and the pleasure to play with some musicians like:
Mario Schilirò ( Zucchero's guitar), James Thomson ( Joe Coker,Paolo Conte,Zucchero), "The Boogie Man" Stefano Franco, Fabio Drusin (Wind Band),Jimi Barbiani, Sandro Bencich, Dado Topic, Mike Sponza, Gino D'Eliso, Tinkara,Bor Zulian (Sank Rock), Anna Lauvergnac, Maurizio Nobili, Davide Giovannini, Maurizio Ravalico, Moreno Buttinar, Giancarlo Spirito,Milan "Miki" Komljenovic, Paolo Pizzamus, Inko Brus, Alessandro Simonetto, Dario Doppio,Goran Tavcar, Euro Cristiani, Matteo Zecca, C.J.Marvin, Derek Wilson..and many others.Currently I'm in the final of my new solo CD named Hard Blues, recorded at the Thunder Studio in Trieste.
The CD, 17 songs for 70 minutes of music, is not a monothematic work, but it's the syntehesis of the music that I like to play. The CD included a lot of guest those who bring something special in every single song.
Three are the binding factor in the CD:
The horn section: The Acid Horns are Diego Mathias (sax: alto,tenor,baritone and arrangements), Gabriele "Fly" Metelli (trumpet).
The background vocals of Elisa Bombacigno and Manuela Sapla
My lines of electric,acoustic and upright basses.Now I have begun to play with Sandro Bencich and Jimi Barbiani (the drummers and the lead guitar of power trio W.I.N.D.) and from the new collaboration it's born the project: The Blue Roots Band, so this is the best of our common experience to exalting the Jam attitude and the music improvisation.
In this time we have already some new songs, and as soon as possible we will begin the recording sessions for a new CD