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Hi welcome to my Myspace page.
My name is Duane Vickers, an all ‘round creative type guy, who for the love of the outdoors, passion in art and design, and nerdish ambition with arty things electronic have sought to give time and effort to pursue these strong interests as a career.
This Myspace page is also dedicated to other positive-minded people who love to create beautiful works of art. You can find the profiles and links of these and other folks featured in my PHOTO section.
From time to time pictures will be posted of my latest projects and artwork, and some others things I’ve done that may not fall in any of these categories. If you enjoy reading and discussing topics like these, then you can subscribe to my BLOG and get a notice when I have posted something new.
-5 Most Recent Blogs
-Beware Of Your Thoughts
-Design Favorites
-10 Seeeeeriously Cool Workplaces
-Awe Inspiring Landscapes
-My Friends Map
-Banners and Inspiring Words
-7 Little Known Ways to Drastically Improve Your Learning
-Featured Artist -Ron Mueck-
-Things In Life That I Love
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