I make beats all day and go out at night. I'm not big on clubs... bars, movies anything that's fun. (psyche!)
Destiny's Child. Robin Thicke. Jay-Z. ANY A&R LOOKING FOR CLASSIC SONGS AND NOT HIT SONGS! There is a difference people!
Names to look for on the net... David Michael Dreyfuss. L. Montoya. Asia. Mo'at. Ivory Boshae. Loonitic. Also known as the league of extrordinary next shit!
Enter the Dragon. Aliens. Lost In Translation (I don't know why i like it but i do). Dragon (the Bruce Lee story). Batman. Batman Begins. Mission Impossible 2 (cause John Wu directed it). The Replacement Killers ( cause Antone Fuqua directed it and John Wu Produced it).
Lost. Alias. ATHF (yougottaknowittoknowit). Anime. Dave Chappelle. Music Videos. Family Guy.
Sun Tzu.
Bruce Lee. come on man... Bruce Lee.