I have one mission this year-- 6 trips in 12 months if not more.. preferably different places. I want to make a mark in my passport, and I don't just mean Mexico or Canada. This is the year...
current status: 1.)Anchorage(Wasilla), Alaska- January , 2.)San Francisco, CA- March 3.)???(most likely SF again)
writing, art, tattoos, piercings, computers, video games, pinup, photography, travel, adventure, sushi, cupcakes, skulliez!, music, gadgets, jamba juice, orchids, learning, observing, pigtails, mixmatching, sidewalk chalk, vinyl, scarves, Roller derby, lilies, baking, jumping in puddles, pez... mmmm
I'm beguinning to think that I only truly exist in a fantasy
Don't believe anything you've heard... except the good stuff ;]
A few sentences on a page cannot possibly be enough justification to fully chronicle me. I am who I am. I don't chase magic anymore because I realized that I am magic... and only the stars can come close to defining me.
♥ ♥ ♥
I'm a dreamer
I'm a realist
I am a travel addict.
I love to love
There's no better feeling than the feeling of being alive
Taking pictures and being in the limelight puts me on cloud 9
I am original.
I am whimsical.
I am a gamer --it is the first thing I do when I wake up and the last thing I do before I go to sleep.
I like to observe people making blurs across their worlds...filling life with color
I have many expensive [legal] vices.
I oftentimes find myself being the "bartender" for my friends... people open up to me and I keep their secrets locked away.
I give everyone two sets of advice everytime- it's up to them what they take, I'm not responsible things after that.
I know its a weekend when I've gotten at least 3 drunken texts. (Then again some of my friends are crazy so this isn't always accurate)
I am a little off center.
I'm MUCH better in person, I'm told.
I have superpowers.
I am compact.
I am addicted to eccentric vices.
I am a fighter
I am a lover
I am a walking contradiction
I am complex
I am mundane
I am your everything and your nothing.. and everything in between
I am a weaver of fairytales
I am a dancer in the rain
I carry stardust in my pocket
I wear my heart on my sleeve
I am a wild bird
I have a fixation with shadows
I love the scent of fresh cut grass and the chemicals in the darkroom
I love to play with light
I am a creature of the night
I do silly poses
I dance like no one's watching.
I'm random.
I am an artist. But first and foremost I am a writer ... and this is my story...I am an enigma... steady as a river but random as a riptide.I have insomnia. I have not slept in days.Oh but the answer to all life's problems.. is cookies. Yes, baked goodies of joy will change the world I tells ya!*edit* my ass is hating this answer =( *edit* and so is candy...but how do I love thee...Constantly on the search for the anomolies that are my escape.. and maybe an "after" to add to my happily ever...
Hot real hardcore gamers. Fellow insomniacs. Artists. Muses. People to inspire. HIL-AR-IOUS people. Hot chefs to cook for me (pstt--I'll bake). People that can hold a conversation for hours. Hot girls with substance. Hot guys with substance. Spontaneous people. People who love to travel. People that hate to travel and/or want to donate their air miles ^_~Someone to hold me but not hold me down. Someone to dance with on a crowded sidewalk in broad daylight. Gritty genuine people. People who nearly piss themselves laughing at this . Tattoo Artists. People with funny nerdy &/or kitty pix. People who dare to be themselves. Walking contradictions. Slaves to fashion. Slaves to passion. People who live every experience as if it were an adventure. People that can make me laugh.. make me think... people that push my limits. Perhaps my happily ever after whimsical sidekick with stardust and moonpies. [Ps- I'm not an advertisement board and I delete most ads. So pls don't bother. kk thnx bai]Music is like pr0n for my ears
I like a lot of everything and nothing.. (lately it's alot of indie, rockabilly, 8bit, and foreign shiz. I'm odd and nerdy)
just like all the rest of my life, but I fancy the unknown gems at the bottom of the sea. *NOTE IF YOU KNOW OF OR HAVE ANY GOOD RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MUSIC, PLS DON'T HESITATE TO MESSAGE ME AND/OR ADD ME ON Last.fm and/or Pownce I ADOOOORE FINDING NEW STUFF!!* good music is like the toy in the cereal box...zomfg cheese.Things that make me go walla walla gleegasm
***Only the finest human specimens on sale today-ill take cupcakes, booze, and tech toys (video games, etc) for trade. message me if you want to buy ;]
So You Want to Know who else is in my crew eh?
I censor myself selectively. Here are some of the sites that I currently frequent/am a part of:
Thought Bubbles in Real Time
I am an Enigma -my personal blog
My photography- artistic set collections & personal images
Like Twitter, except with file transfers & emmbeded video, etc.
Etc, etc. I've given you enough ways to stalk me now. if you want to know more I'm sure you will find them. I'm a social networking junkie, so I'm not hard to find. heh
good music is like the toy in the cereal box...
Dancer in the Dark, High Fidelity, Spaceballs, Dream for an Insomniac, Requiem for a Dream, Shopgirl, A Pyromaniac's Love Story, Donnie Darko, November, Hackers, Amelie, Shower, Cruel Intentions, Dead Poets Society, With Honors, The Birdcage, Garden State, Run Lola Run, Shower, Gattica, Empire Records, 12 Monkeys, Trainspotting, Nightmare Before Christmas(every Tim Burton movie except Willy Wonka), Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Snatch, The Corpse Bride, Dawn of the Dead, Charade, Breakfast at Tiffanys...
Rescue Me, Heroes, PeeWee's Playhouse, Syphl and Ollie, The Head, Daria, Happy Tree Friends, Numbers, Alf, Mission Hill, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Futurama, The Cosby Show...
The Missing Piece Meets the Big O by Shel Silverstein (take 5 mins out of your life everyday to read it & your life will improve tremendously... I promise)I'm in the process of writing mine- u will want to read it /endprepublishedhypnosistransmission
Daddy and My kids- they are superfantsticamal.