House Music, Martial Arts, Dancing, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Travel, Reading, Eroticism, Sex, Fetish
Old Friends, Beautiful People!
DJ 100lbs, DJ Mike Wikkid, Aphrodite, Audio Bully's, Beastie Boys, Beethoven, Bob Marley, Cafe Del Mar, Deep Dish, Eddie Amador, Fat Boy Slim, Groove Armada, Handel, Jamiroquai, Marilyn Manson, Mozart, Bob Marley, Nine Inch Nails, Prince, Sublime, many more
I say that I don't watch TV, but I really watch 24. However, I prefer to download it, or get it on DVD so that I can watch a whole season in less than 24 hours (I hate comercials). I do, also, rent The Soprano's, Queer As Folk, The L Word, and Six Feet Under from Netflix. I also watch Garfield and Friends every Saturday morning...
Anne Rice's Beauty series, The Story of the Mayfair Witches, The Vampire Chronicles, The Chronicles of Narnia, La Divina Comedia, The Bible Code, The Republican War on Science, The Anarchist Cookbook, Neuromancer, The Tao of Sex, The Tao of Physics, PIHKAL, TIHKAL, Rule By Secrecy, The Earth Chronicles, Everyday Magic, Man, Angel's & Demons, The DaVinci Code, Sexual Alchemy
Dr. Emmit Brown, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Jack Bauer, my dad.