Music, stencils, skatering, mirrors... anything pretty haha
You and your friends
Ohh i like music lots of music, you?? Okay here goes... an artist for each letter of the alphamabetA: Alanis Morrisette B: Beck C: Cat Stevens D: Dandy Warhols, The E: End of Fashion F: Faint, The G: Grates, The H: Hilltop Hoods I: Infected Shroom J: Jack Johnson K: Kimya Dawson L: Ladytron M: Magic Dirt N: Nivarna O: Organ, The P: Pete Murray Q: Queens of the Stone age R: Red Hot Chilli Peppers S: Sleater-Kinney T: Tegan & Sara U: Unicorns, The W: Wickid beat sound system X: umm... Y: Yeah Yeah Yeahs Z: Zumm.. i gots nothingsNow you know my musical ABC.. yay
Films are cool too umm donnie darko, american beauty, idle hands.. sin city fuk yeh you know all the cool ones
Yeh its okay, nothing good is on anymore.. Buffy was the bomb digity.. KA-BOOM
A What... oh yeh i have one of them but i can't read too well.. i've got two books on the go for the last couple of years.. it takes awhile okay!?!
Comic book ones uh huh