my name is tania.
most people call me crazy.
call me what you like.
about me's are overrated. if you want to know me, then get to know me properly.
Brekky beers galiano sambooka shots! cafe grande cigars! rooftop vigilantes! dancefloor divas!
jace owns my heart
i'm a classy fucken kid!
the most amazing girl in the world wrote this to me.
you seriously are such an amazing friend, one that slips under the radar one that i dont often acknowledge but one that means so much to me who else will drink breaky beers with me who else will play shots to the departed who else will drive all the way to my house because im lonely and need a hug there are not many but you do it because you are a grewat friend one that has always been there for me and one that i know woill always be there for me its gonna suck leaving you but no perth people got nothing on your sweet moves ok baby pretty sure i wont be dancing while im away cause you wont be there to seductivly grab my boobs on the dance floor i know im doing this for the right reasons but i still dont wanna elave you behind if i could i wopuld steal you away from jase and lil and everyone and take you with me so that we could play together everyday but i will be back and plus you are ocming over in january dont forget you actually have to come i want people to meet you and realise that your probably the coolest thing to have ever steeped foot on this earth
i love you baby so so so so so so so so much i could even say i lvoe you mroe than i lvoe myself but that would be lying cause we all no i lvoe myself way too muh thats why i have sex with myself so much o god did i jsut say that mmmmmmmmmm
i love you amy kelly.
Manihc Nonabel