Huw enjoys colouring in and eating crayons, collecting coins dropped behind sofa cushions, buying magic beans and drinking beer. He is interested in Egyptian treasures and voodoo temples. Morgan likes boring science, vintage port, tea, grown-up books and listening to old time radio.
We would like to meet everybody, but only if you're nice or if you are a pirate. Tyrannosaurus Alan.
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Pirate ship made by Bez!!
[click picture]
Huw likes funky disco, Jamiroquai and Gene Loves Jezebel. Morgan says that he is too grown-up for anything except classical music, although he has been spotted shaking his bottom to disco music (he denys this of course).
Huw likes Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, Snow Dogs, Eight Below, Babe, Pirates of the Caribbean, 10 Things I Hate About You. Morgan likes Howls Moving Castle, The Time Machine (b/w version) and old movies.
We both like Judge Judy very much. Huw likes to watch poor people fight and Morgan likes to see the law in action. Huw likes Spongebob. Morgan likes documentaries and history programmes.
Huw really only likes colouring books. Morgan (being a bit older) prefers dusty, boring old books usually about astronomy and science.
Huw worships pretty much any pirate you'd care to mention. Morgan prefers people like Einstein cause he invented really difficult theories that no-one really understands (except Morgan).