My face is asymmetrical.
----------------------------------------------------------It's not wrong. It's right. Grow a beard.
Thanks for your editor , Thomas...even though you only wrote it to get chicks.
The Anachronistic Anti-music Establishment for the Advancement of Critical Thought in and Outside the Workplace.
And systems and photography and motorcycles.
Someone with something new to say... or someone who can say something old better... or Kane from Robocop 2.
I've come to accept that I'm not that musically inclined. I'll like this and that but not all of that and not all the time.
It doesn't really get any better than Independence Day. Lock, Stock and The Matrix are close. Donnie Darko's up there along side Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Lord of the Rings.
Honorable mention for True Lies purely for the scene where Jamie Lee Curtis drops an uzi down the stairs which kills all the bad guys. Awesome!
You're a television.
Gregory Peck
Cary Grant
James Randi