Rockenroll, Comics, Art, Saucy People.
My twin, who has the other half of the treasure map tattooed on his bum.
Sonic Youth, Belle and Sebastian, Kimya Dawson, Pixies, Vic Thrill, Bigboote, Oneida, Poingly, Flaming Lips, Neutral Milk Hotel
Donnie Darko, Momento, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Sky Captain, LOTR, Ravenous, South Park, Jaws, Ed Wood, Kill Bill, Zapped, Boogie Nights, Pump Up The Volume, High Fidelity
6 Feet Under, Buffy, Star Trek DS9, Sporanos, Simpsons, Arrested Development, Family Guy, Evolution, shows about deep sea science, New York Noise
Shade the Changing Man, His Dark Materials, Lord of the Flies, X-Statix, David Boring, THB, 100%, The Biologic Show, Resume with Monsters, Enigma
Misiter Sensitive, Galactus, Buffy, Gilgamesh, Ghandi, John Lennon, R2-D2.