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I am here for Networking

About Me

Recovering party girl, now I just wanna make stuff. And make stuff better.
The following Music Videos were directed by me-- It's my livelihood. I'm fast, cheap, and so much fun to work with, former clients have volunteered as PA's on latter shoots. And given me devices to nurture my other videophile tendencies. (No, not that kind of "device".)
I'm also a Live Video Mixer/Projectionist - I've spewed my video art at venues including The Bowery Ballroom, Webster Hall, The 9:30 Club in DC, Mercury Lounge and much more, plus Brooklyn art spaces including Rubulad, Asterix & Mighty Robot.
I don't do fractals. Nor skate/surf videos. I'm more into tangible, yet psychedelic images that spark nostalgia, make folks crack the fuck up and/or tell a story. Much of my set consists of real people, animals and robots in surreal contexts.
As of now, I'm the only video artist I know who rocks the keytar.
I currently play with positivity pioneer VIC THRILL who's sound I like to describe as the Clash's "Bankrobber" on crystal meth. To see me in action, check out my calendar. Or CLICK HERE

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Nostalgia. Creative comradery. YouTube. Getting my friends to dress up for my camera and do stupid dances. The Gong Show. Old school sci-fi. Rolly Coasters. Green tea extract, BBC's The Blue Planet.

Getting shit done, then rocking the fuck out and/or going to the beach.

See: Movies

I'd like to meet:

I’m looking for other bands/artists who are interested in adding another dimension to their live show via projections. I specialize in artist-specific video art (personalized visuals for each song/artist.)

Hire me to shoot your next music video!! Live video mixing has opened more cerebral doors for me so that I’m concepting at 3x my normal rate. You can check out most of my reel above, BUt just think, your video will be 3x better.

I also shoot live shows and do touring docs.

This doesn't mean I want to randomly add your band as a friend. I only add people I have connections to in reality. If you'd like to cultivate a connection, message me and we'll take it from there.


I opened up for Devo DJing in a Monkey Suit. My other mascot act opened up for Beck, only it was especially cool because my backing band was the Flaming Lips.

Other than that.... Vic Thrill & Saturn Missile, 2 Skinnee J's, The Vitamen, The Negatones, The Psychos!, The Bogmen, The Clash, New York Dolls, Jonathan Richman, Roger Miller, The Cars, the Clash, Richard Hell, bowie bowie bowie, TOOTS!, The Sonics, The Cramps, Dave Clark Five, T-rex, Ramones, The Clash, Adam Ant, Bill Haley, jsbx, Spank Rock, Pavement, Sweet, Butter 08, Run DMC, Freddy Cannon, Beck, Knockout DRops, The Kinks, Violent Femmes, The Clash, Arcade Fire, The Raveonettes, Frankie Valli, The Replacements, NWA, Led Zep, Serge Gainsbourg, Kid 'N Play, Neutral Milk Hotel, beasties, I love you airlines, Neil Diamond, Joan Jett, The slits, Lou Reed, Alana Amram, Hopewell, Beatles, New York Howl, Beat The Devil, Best Fwends, Les Savy Fav, Art Brut, Creaky Boards, Peelander-Z, Mott The Hoople, magnetic Fields, stones, Mz. Pakman, John Cafferty & The Beaver Brown Band, Eagles of death metal, Weston, The Monkees, Jane's Addiction, The Misfits, Huey Piano Smith & the clowns, the shangri la's, Iggy, Hives, GBV, GnR, Pixies, Big Star, BigBoote', bouncing souls, world/inferno friendship society, nuggets nuggets nuggets ... Hungry March, Extra Action, & What Cheer? Marching bands and the clash, the clash and the clash.

And any band that looks like they're having the time of their life when they play. Even if they suck.

And bands that support other bands.

Oh, and I once told some little shit hating on Creedence he should call me after he goes through rock 'n roll puberty.


I don't watch movies, I make em.


The...uh...not By the way, Kickballers: this link is broken on my site.


Lost in the Funhouse (Andy Kaufman's bio), PLease Kill Me, Are you there god, it's me margaret....I'm currently on a rock bio rampage. in the past 2 months, I've read "Kiss and Make-Up" by Gene Simmons, "I'm with the band: Confessions of a Groupie" by Pamela Des Barres, "A Riot Of our Own- NIght and Day with the Clash" by Johnny Green.... Next up "The Dirt". Any recommendations????


Michel Gondry, Wayne Coyne, John Waters, Jim Henson, Ed Wood, Sid & Marty Kroftt, Mr. T, Spike Jonze, Dr. Seuss, Mark Mothersbaugh, Andy Kaufman, MIss Lola Belle...
And my grandpa Pete who was a POW in WWII. TWICE. Meaning he got caught by the Germans, escaped, got caught again, got starved and tortured then escaped again. But he liked one of the German guards, and formed a little bond with him, so he purposely didn't escape on that dude's shift. He spent the rest of his life never sweating the small stuff. And being a total fucking wise ass. He used to take me to the beach. He met John Lennon. He liked my crazy get-ups and hair. I got my sense of humor from him. And my legs.

and my mom survived cancer and my dad survived 9/11 and they're pretty badass too. And my cousin Mikey... And anyone who makes lemonade.

My Blog

If you brought a friend (or 5) to my halloween party

please read and forward to them.
Posted by on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:25:00 PST

my itunes has outed me.

Come On!
Posted by on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 11:02:00 PST

I’ll be there with scabs on.

Two (2) not to be missed shows this week(end).(!)
Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 04:52:00 PST

weekend at bammys

Who rocks harder? The Sonics or my mom? Plus a bonus Mp3 on the blog.
Posted by on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 12:33:00 PST

Halloween pics!

I woke up at 5pm today. I'm surprized i even uploaded this shit. best. holiday.ever.
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 05:43:00 PST

Ain’t turning tricks...

I got a treat last night, so I'm paying it forward. A treat for you (in handy MP3 form) on the real blog...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:26:00 PST

cerebral costuming... all about it.
Posted by on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:26:00 PST

need inspiration for a costume???

Check out my annual tribute to my favorite holiday...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:46:00 PST

Why I mock cokeheads til they cry...

because I found out today another old friend is dead. David was hilarious, albeit completely fucking nuts. He made goosing into an extreme sport. I had to take a shower after hanging out with him.One ...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 04:09:00 PST


We don't need no stinking badges!
Posted by on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:08:00 PST