Meliss-uuugh profile picture



About Me


My Interests


My interests: a good cup of coffee, sushi, hamburgers with cheese and bacon, stimulating conversation, people who actually read books..there are so few of you, movies..movies about love, giant apes, space, dancing, fucking, robbing banks and shooting people...old movies, new movies, movies with superheros, musicals, silents, foreign movies. i am interested in movies. jack daniels, veuve clicquot, wine...deep bold red wine. beer. german beer, expensive beer, cheap beer, free guinness with brunch, guinness with shamrocks on top, men in kilts, black and white photographs, printing photos and actually touching them, the smell of chemical bath and how it makes my fingers dry and stinky.....i am interested in touching what's left of the analog world. Music...all types...loud, soft, quiet, touching, abrasive music. david bowie in portuguese. european things, buildings, art, Michelangelo, Dante, DaVinci, Dali. Dancing, thrashing, punching, moving, walking through the streets while listening to my pod, cuddling, closeness, ranting, venting, cursing when you least expect it, telling you i love you, telling you i hate you, chocolate covered strawberries, kissing, masterbating, weed, prescription cough syrup, drinking cacique in Costa Rica, drinking grappa in Italy, drinking rum in Antigua and St. Lucia, smoking cigars in Belize, getting caught between the moon and new york city........and so on and so forth.

I'd like to meet:


WARNING!! I'm done adding bands and people I don't know. If you are a band I don't know or a person I don't know I will happily add you to my SEE AND BE SCENE PROFILE . Otherwise, fuck off.


Rock is dying a slow painful death. Please saviors of confrontational, dangerous music....bring your blessings upon us. We are in dire need of DANGER and less eyeliner and mascara. THERE'S NO ROCK IN YOUR ROCK!!!!


Frank Capra, Michel Gondry, Coen Bros, Mark Romanek (he actually understood that music videos could be art), Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Billy Wilder, Baz Luhrmann, Peter Jackson (since his Dead/Alive zombie days....the man is a genius), Paul Thomas Anderson, Mel Brooks (Spaceballs was his last good film), The first three Star Wars films (after Jedi Lucas should have died of bone cancer..the world would have been a better place), David Lynch, David Fincher, Danny Boyle, Darren Aronofsky, Chris Nolan, Fellini, Eisenstein's Odessa Steps, the Wachowski brothers bullet time, John Woo's gun fights, Woody Allen's chattiness, Terrence Malick's silence........I can go on and on.....


"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas."

"Make It Work!"

"Simmer Down Stew!"

"You better make this house bleed right now!"

"Smoke while doing so"

"I wanna be a sexy robot...I wanna be an Adrienne Barbeaubot"

"It's like Speed 2 but on a bus instead of a boat"

"RIP Nathaniel Fisher"

"Lacroix, baby spew...lacroix, baby spew"

"And here it is..your moment of zen"


The Fortress of Solitude
The Catcher In the Rye
A Confederacy of Dunces
gun, with occasional music
Fight Club
Running With Scissors

David Sedaris
Douglas Coupland
Dorothy Parker
Sam Shepard
Tennessee Williams


MICHELANGELO (aka "i don't really paint")

My Blog

a sunday in beverly hills

yea it's 8:30am. woke up early again (i think im allergic to my apartment) and i'm watching beverly hills 90210. brenda and dylan went to mexico behind her parents back and she got stuck at the bord...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 06:33:00 PST

one day

one day i won't feel tired.  one day.
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 07:14:00 PST

More about my penis

This time I got an email from someone calling themselves Mia regards to my penis.  Mia Beaver.  I love it!  My new drag name....Mia Beaver. Hehe!
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 10:32:00 PST

Me and The Police

I sit here with aching feet reeling from the latest Police show. Yes. I saw them....again. I'm an asshole. Honestly, traveling to Boston to see them at Fenway Park (just for kicks) and then again a ...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:55:00 PST

I make pop stars sick

Yes, it's true. I believe I am responsible for illness amongst some of my favorite artists.Exhibit A: I purchased a ticket to see Morrissey this past June. It was the first time I would see him sin...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 03:08:00 PST

My penis

People keep emailing me.  They are very concerned about the size of my penis.  They have offered many suggestions on how to make it bigger, but my penis is big enough.  I'm quite happy ...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:19:00 PST

The wonders of shitty movies

So, I woke up at 7am feeling soggy with a slight pounding in my head. Last night drunkeness spread like an STD at Hedonism and things got dramatic and emotional. Somehow I managed to score a killer ...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 06:46:00 PST

Where I been

James is at work. I'm chillin eating some Terra Chips and watching South Park. I'm trying not to be a big piggy and eat healthy but....Terra Chips just aren't Doritos. Although, I realize I'm getti...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 07:10:00 PST

Because I cant, I wont and I dont stop!

Hello little chickadees!!It's 7:30am and I'm up cause my cats sometimes make me not breathe right. I know it's crazy...but they are so damn cute....I can't help but snuggle!So I'm super stoked and wa...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 05:37:00 PST

Drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was gone.

It's 8:30 AM in Houston at Bush International Airport (BOOO BUSHLAND!!) and I've already caught a 6:40AM flight from New Orleans...or rather N' needless to say I'm a little sleepy and wired...
Posted by Meliss-uuugh on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 06:42:00 PST