Joey, dichotomy, diet rootbeer, the ocean, clowning you, strokes of genius, loopholes, going really really fast, Neil Young-bashing, Cool stuff that people make out of found objects in prison, big dogs, small dogs, being a dancing fool-- party starting a-la-a-go-go, 'Melody Maker' on legible microfilm, befriending my crazy, cooking, farmers markets, fuckin', make-overs, instant gratification, people watching, practical jokes, unpractical jokes, stories, class, condiments, culture, degenerate slang of yesteryear, anywhere but here, fun, exciting shoes, the rock and roll,the time and the place for everything, smoke and mirrors, costumes, mascots, polar bears, smarts, that fine line between brilliance and insanity, elegant junk food, a less obvious sexy, feeling like i'm living, anthropomorphics, hair-brained get rich quick schemes,hockey (Go Habs!) underbellies, writing, working out, chopped salads, cryptozoology, being okay all day and all right all night.
Good Influences.I'd also like to meet a Hog Nosed Rattler. Nick Tosches was telling me about his stint working for the world's largest snake venom producer, where he was to smoke snakes out of their gopher holes. He said that the Hog Nosed Rattler was so dumb that when approached, it would roll over on its back and play dead. Then, if one was to flip it over with a stick or what ever, it would roll back over onto its back as if to say: "No guy, I'm really dead." Isn't that cute? Now that's what I call an endearing variety of stupid. I want to meet that charming snake, but only that one. Other than that particular Rattler, I have dealt with enough stupid, cute and charming snakes to last me a lifetime. Seriously.And maybe Scott Thornson.
Brian Wilson was out of his gourd; legitimately insane when he came up with lyrics like: Wouldn't it be nice if we were older? Then we wouldn't have to wait so long. He was obviously conditioned at an early age, to blend; conceal his looney thus maintain his freedom. I often wonder whether crazy people really "go" crazy or if they just say "fuck it" and start telling us what they really think after being thoroughly exhausted after years of blending. Currently, there's a surplus of self proclaimed "punk" bands running around shouting out at the cruel world about how zany, unpredictible, misguided and misunderstood they are; when in reality, they're just nice kids interested in fame, fortune and like, Paris Hilton or who ever. Am I getting old or would the average well rounded kid run around like a chicken with its head cut off in a straight jacket and black glitter or what ever because they know it's not going to get them committed, it's gonna sell records? We live in a land where boy bands have neck tattoos. If the powers that be ever questioned said rock stars' sanity, they'd most likely be like: "Bro, I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused, bro. You know what I mean,bro?" and be totally pissed-off at their stylists. Since when do neck tattoos and synchronized choreographed dance moves share the same stage anyway? I'm disgusted. Listen The Beach Boys. Be true to your school; let your colors fly.
I like teen movies, comedies and things with good clothes, smokin' broads and talking animals. I don't like movies featuring Ben Stiller or the lines: "GET IT OFF ME!" or "We better get back to the ship."
Jack Nitzsche won one Oscar, was nominated for another, was Phil Spector's go to guy, composed the score for a ton of big movies including "The Exorcist" and did numerous arrangements for the Rolling Stones. Yet, his obituary (New York Times, Aug. 31,2000.) concludes with the credit of being featured on an episode of T.V.'s "COPS", when he was arrested for waving a gun at some douche who stole his hat. Oh, that and the fact that he was survived by his son. Sick, huh?
"I was a seeker, a mover, a malcontent, and at times a stupid hell-raiser; I was never idle long enough to do much thinking, but I felt somehow that my instincts were right. I shared a vagrant optimism that some of us were making real progress, that we had taken an honest road, and that the best of us would inevitably make it over the top.At the same time, I shared a dark suspicion that the life we were leading was a lost cause, that we were all actors, kidding ourselves along on a senseless odyssey. It was the tension between these two poles,a restless idealism on one hand and a sense of impending doom on the other--that kept me going."-- THE RUM DIARY, Hunter S. Thompson, Simon & Scuhuster Paperbacks,1998, p.5.
Dolly Parton, Emily Feinstein, Nick Tosches, Shel Sylverstein/Hubert Selby Jr./Shirley "Cha Cha" Muldowney, Julia Child, Evel Kneivel, Youppi, Firemen, freedom fighters, Liberace and anyone living their dreams