About Me
If I was a diabetic i would be losing feet left and right.
There's always a place to sit, as long as the ground doesn't fall from beneath me
One more thing about my videos [if you happen to be reading this section from bottom to top] I'm not censoring anything I chose to put in my videos at the time. I have my freedom of speech, which i chose to express, you have your freedom of choice, you can choose not to watch my videos, so don't complain about their content, because i don't really care what you have to say about it. unless, of course, it's constructive criticism, I appreciate that actually.
i don't hate cauliflower, i'll eat it, i just don't care for it. it's dead to me
You know what, it's all good. If you don't like who I am or who I portray/ed myself to be, then that's your choice. The bottom line is: humans as a whole have the potential to be great, they really do, but there's so many evil people, and people who dont take any action in general. Life is so precious, people need to appreciate their own gift of life, and have to respect all other life. I'm really trying to just spread the love here. It's tough though, to be completely nonprejudice. Everyone is prejudice, I probably always will, atleast a little bit. But I don't want to hate. My mom was talking to me about this, and it's so true, but even just thinking hateful thoughts, to even just say "Oh I hate thiefs" its just spreading around bad energy. Yeah people shouldn't kill or steal, but there are better ways to look at it. Like instead of saying "I hope this person gets what they deserve" you could say "I hope this person is put into a better position where they don't have to steal" or whatever the situation may be. It's just something to think about.
The day i like Surfer Girl is the day i have to euthanize myself ____________________________________________________________
about my videos: they are retarded and will fuck you up, just warning you. if you dont like seeing abused children, swastikas, gore, monstrocities, or Mr Rogers, dont watch my videos. if you dont like it, suck my balls. ____________________________________________________________