Kink, stink, unt der monkey doom, the end of date rapists and rapists in general. where are the vigalantes? Doom the tresspassers to the knife. Also writing and drumming.
Somebody that will make it okay...
Fishbone, Clutch, Lamb of God, Tom Waits, Skip James, Slayer, Bad Brains, DK, Dead Milkmen, Anal Cunt, Dinah Washington, Prince.... yeah thats right. Prince. He's a fucking genious, and hes not gay! Pantera, Bjork, AFI, And i'm getting more and more into Sweed metal.
Cemetary Man... if you have never seen this movie, then... well shit, its the grail of zombie movies. The direction is amazing, and the writing. Its actually really well done, and in my opinion, an awsome love story. Other than that, Casablanca, Man bites dog, Killing Zoe, and anything with Gary Oldman.
Damn the set... Evil in box form... Drug for the already fucking stupid...If they would only cancel the history channel and various surgery shows I could stop watching forever...
Where to fucking start... All Kurt V., Bukowski, the Dune series is great, and the preacher books. Best book ever? Either Slapstick by Kurt, or Women or Post Office by Buk.
The lead from Man Bites dog, so classy yet so socio. Old crazy homless men... some day... someday... Nick Cave unt Tom Waits... Why must I have dumb monkey hands? Dark Heart... Kill de Care Bares!!! Bukowski... Bottle to the grave... And Sammy Davis Jr. Come on! He Sings, tap dances, plays drums trumpet and piano, plus did awsome gun tricks! W/ one fucking EYE!!!!