Music, Nature, Animals, TM, Astrology, Tarot, Reading, collecting art glass (love Blinko), hippie web rings, cooking, watching my garden grow, crystals, rocks & gems, lapidary, Rock Climbing and exploring caves, Hiking and exploring nature, Body Surfing, Skiing, Football, Hockey, NHRA, Nascar, driving our sandrail and quads at our camp in Baja; watercrafting, boating and fishing. I love fishing, whether it's off the Madison in Montana, or on the Sea of Cortez.
Ted, Jeff Jawer, Rick Levine, Tom Petty, Hank Williams Jr., Hank Williams III, Willie Nelson, Yoko Ono, Stephen King, Warren Miller, Chicago Blackhawks, all my new Friends
Love old Bogart films; Sir Alfred Hitchcock, John Waters, Coen Bros., Robert Rodriquez; Quentin Tarantino; Pedro Almavador; comedies
Very Entertaining ..
Tao Tae Ching, Joseph Campbell, The Tree of Life, Dion Fortune, Carlos Casteneda, JRR Tolkien, Kurt Vonnegut, Ken Kesey, Stephen King, and so many more, read and unread.
Daddy Mom (breast cancer survivor)