käptn profile picture


u-mod...used to be exchange student in FINLAND- now back home

About Me

I'm a 19-year-old, nice, fun and caotic guy from germany. I love some very special people, good music, good food, relaxing, having fun and enjoing the good moments in life. There might be some people that call me intelligent but rather not trust them ...I'm just lazy and a bad cheater^^Ok, I..m always looking for some nice people and bands...____________________________________________________ ___________________in general I listen to every kind of music including also classic music, klezmer, rock'n roll, latin, hip hop, brass or certain folks and oldies. I trust in metal, punk & ska!________________________________________________________ _______________My interests: soccer. doing things with friends. music. sports. dancing. languages. philosophy, economics and also political stuff.going to the movies. parties. having fun!!!______________________________________________________ _______________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________ Layout made by krissybaby613 at CreateBlog.com .

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________ __interesting young people that love living__


in general i listen to every kind of music (not so much of techno and rap). that includes also classic music, klezmer, rock'n roll, hip hop, latin, brass or certain folks and oldies. I trust in metal, punk & ska!


Herr der Ringe mitsamt LOTW fake. Simpsons-the movie. ansonsten am liebsten action-thriller.


wenn ichs doch mal tue, dann filme, sport, comedy oder simpsons=)


I love tom clancy! find die buecher einfach klasse, besser als die pc games (rainbow und Splinter cell glaub ich), obwohl die buecher vom inhalt her in die gleiche richtung gehen


mein lieblingstrompeter holger(lebensabaschnittsverbesser thomas, siehe pics) & gagamel oder wie der heisst von dn schluempfen;)