Cotton profile picture


i am the alpha...the ahole...the feared!

About Me

MyGen Profile Generatorhi, i'm cotton. I'm a himilayan kitten and i have a nice family with good values. we live in south orange county. i guess you could call me a beach cat. i have a set of fu man chu whiskers and bright blue eyes. i really enjoy playing peekabo and scaring the shit out of my mom. i like to claw the furniture and mess up moms desk when she's working; that totally cracks me up. i hate feet with a passion! i'm a bit on the vindictive side. if you accidentally step on me or if i feel wronged in any way, i will get even! i'm a lover and a biter; and at times, quite the asshole. i am all things that are traditionally taurus. this means i'm generally peaceful, but stubborn as hell. i enjoy sleeping next to my dad as long as he doesn't steam roll me. did i mention that i'm bowlegged? yeah, you know what that means.

My Interests

sleeping, eating, scratching, napping, peekabo, climbing the patio door, being alpha, waking up sleeping people, antisocial, feet, biting (sometimes together), my toys, playing predator and prey, chase and occasionally cuddles.

I'd like to meet:

hot kitties, pretty kitties, playful kitties and other kitties of like minds. oh...and no one with squirt bottles. i hate those things.


ted nugent, the pussycat dolls.


oliver and company


josie and the pussycats! they're so HOT.


i only read SKINNIE magazine.


my recently departed auntie tigger, tony the tiger, and garfield.

My Blog

day to day

so what's new with me for 2007?  let's see, i'm bigger, 7 months old now.  i get these huge tootsie roll looking turds quite often.  my fang teeth are abnormally long.  they actual...
Posted by Cotton on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:51:00 PST

it ain't easy dad said today that i'm the worst smelling kitty he's ever been around.  i know when i eat that i drop all sorts of food on my fur.  i can't help it though, theres just so much of it...
Posted by Cotton on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:59:00 PST

those bastards!

my human caretakers had my balls cut off today.  i'm not quite sure how i should feel about this.  i thought they were pretty cool, but mom started shouting that she "saw my lipstick" the ot...
Posted by Cotton on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 09:43:00 PST