Complaining; being disillusioned by the state of the world; telling people how annoyed I am with the state of the world; not eating McDonalds; telling people bits and pieces of information garnered from that McLibel documentary I saw ages ago and can't really remember much - although that doesn't inhibit me spouting off about the fast food industry. Or climate change. Or religious fundamentalism. Or...whatever. Other interests include doing funny voices and monkeys. NOT, YA KNOW, 'DOING' MONKEYS. (Chrikey, that was nearly very bad, but I pulled it back at the end. I don't think anyone noticed.)
I like the sound of...Hills being alive, etc. An eclectic mix - mostly garnered from trustworthy friends giving me mix tapes, cd's, and now these new fangled mp3 things of 'stuff I should listen to'.
The Princess Bride is my favourite film.
Oh yes! I'll watch any old tat.
I do read a lot of them. None of them worth talking about. Except the ones that are good.
My mum. She's class.