well im in to 50s rock and roll music i also dance to this music as well i an learning to play double bass and trying 2 get a band started well im also a nutter for classic cars and modified cars and sports bikes
well the person i most wanted 2 me was my idel lee rocker bass player from the stray cats and i did so at one of there gig on there 25year come back tore
well im right across the bord with my music but mainly listion and play 50s rock and roll
well my fave film is armageden but in 2 a verierty of othere as well
well im in 2 and car or bike show i like cing how things are built and how things workSTRAY CATS RUMBLE IN BRIXTONBUSTED SLEEPIN WITH THE LIGHT ONMC FLY UNBRELLA MC FLY DONT SOPT ME NOW
dnt read not got time of that shit
well my heros are the stray cats if you had not all ready guessed went to c them live twice and it was the best day of my life when i got 2 finaly meet my idel lee rocker