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Earth, year 2107.The average temperature at the surface of the planet raised by 8°C during the ten last decades. Because of its unsustainable heat, he equatorial belt today is improper for inhabitation; its progressive desertification caused massive emigration from its former inhabitants to the neighbouring countries. Many areas are permanently frosted or overheated. Studies are being made to rebuild the earth’s largest cities deep in the ground.Nature The remaining trees, not exceeding a few thousands on the whole planet, are classified and strictly protected. Same for the animals: most of the species besides domestic are virtually extincted.The atmosphere of the planet is saturated by airwaves altering the life of all living species, including the humans, whose mood is now largely unpredictable and swiftly oscillates from normal and stable to euphoric or despaired. Only the constant use of an adequate medication called “Isomodia†keeps people in balance. The military/industrial/pharmaceutical cartel owning as well most of the airwaves emitters as the facilities producing the Isomodia is by far the most powerful organizational and financial force on earth.Transstellar exploration lead to contact with a few extra-terrestrial tribes that were generally open to collaboration and peaceful cohabitation. A maximum quota of one million of them is allowed on earth, only after intense surgery for sanitary and aesthetic reasons.Hundreds of large orbital stations containing up to 1,000 people are disseminated in the solar system for scientific and military purposes.Matter in general is becoming more and more unstable and unpredictable. Most materials produced by men such as metals, chemicals, plastics and concrete, even if brand new, loose their strength at random, causing buildings and bridges to collapse, vehicles and all types of equipments to fall apart. The average life of any tool or construction is therefore considerably shortened compared to what it was two decades ago.Universal archetypes such as demons, angels, ancient divinities, and even sometimes abstract shapes and symbols, supposedly emerging from other dimensions, often and suddenly appear in front of individuals or large crowds, sometimes requiring submission and conversion, sometimes only hovering in the air before fading away. Explanations for these phenomena rank from mass manipulations, possibly by holograms or through alien technology, to collective hallucinations, interdimensional crashes or other causes.
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