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Sebastian R. Komor

New Single out now

About Me

Detailed almost complete discography of Seb Komor's various work can be found @ Discogs
News December 12th
Working in the studio non stop. Have finally reached an agreement with a really cool label for the release of my debut solo album. Much more news on that very soon.
On a side note, it's getting really cold up in Edmonton. But it's nice and sunny at the same time. A perfect balance and it makes the snow sparkle!!! Happy Holidays.
News December 5th
Gettin' cold enough for ya? If you live in Edmonton you betcha! Going to the local convinient store is a expedition to the North Pole. Either way, speaking of exploration; I'm working on new tracks on a daily basis and will shortly have enough tracks to release a full length album. There are a couple of labels interested, more news on that when there are some concrete desisions and agreements made. Until that time, I hope you enjoy the tracks on this player for now.
Recently I started a profile as well as a onlinestore account at if you want your own legal copies of some of my tracks. ,
Holiday greetings from Seb. News October 12th
Just got back from Hollywood LA. Had a great time there, meeting old friends and got to know new ones. Stayed at the Beverly Laurel, cosy little hotel close to Sunset. Ate almost on a daily basis at the Swingers Diner, great stuff, open pretty much all night, which we late nighters appreciate a LOT. Happened to run into Pixie from the show LA Ink. Was nice. The IOC show went over very well. Seemed like the crowds really was into it, been a while. LA's a great place indeed, could I live there 24/7? I dont think so, to intense in many ways, a lot of shallow over the top personalities there, but then again, come on, you're in Hollywood. Glam and sparkle baby.
I love the contrast on walking on Hollywood Boulevard with the stars on the pavement, where right next to them you have homeless people begging for change, sort of the ultimate contrast I say.
Had a beer with my friend Greg at the Rainbow, yes we swear we saw Lemmy there. We also walked around Whisky a Go Go [yeah man, played there once].
Of course had to stumble into the Hustler store, I mean come on, can't miss out on that one. Great stuff! Good coffee there to, and friendly staff.
Thanks to you who let me stay at your place [Shok] and to you who helped out being buddies. Thanks for a good time. Hope to see you soon again.
I will be posting photos from the trip here very shortly.
News July 29th
Just came home from a 4 day camping extravaganza in amazing Banff in the Canadian Rockies. That place is heaven as far as I am concerned. I would love to get a cabin or a cool house there to set up a studio and what not. Saw a wolf there this time around, sniffing around for little doggies to eat I guess. Luckily our bigger than life it self Chihuahua would kick his ass in no time, well in his head anyways. Will be posting some photos of the vacation here soon. Have a good summer people of the world.
News June 19th
Working hard on new tracks and also fishing for a label to aim for a full length album. Album title already confirmed: "Voltage Controlled Body Music".
News June 9th
Summer is here and what a lovely time it is. The mosquitos love me as always, freakin vampires of the daylight. Music's going well. Finished another remix for the Spanish commercial technopop band Fangoria. Turned out cool. The remix will be a part of their new single coming out soon on Warner in Spain. I called the remix "Hola Sangria remix".
I am also working on music for films, games and tv commercials this summer, so you might be hearing some Seb tunes through the TV screen soon or next time you rent a dvd ;). More news on that when it comes. Enjoy your summer now, I know I will.
News May 19th
2 days after the Norwegian national day Seb's still fighting for survival in the wilderness of Canada. After almost 3 years fo constant battles with bears, cougars and other cultural activites it is said an agreement has been reached. More on that soon.
Musically speaking Seb is working some remix work and the Re-animation of MELT, after a quick 1 day fasination of the jailhouse rock tune a lot of work is to be completed.
News April 1st
Seb can now also be found on Vampirefreaks, more music there. @
News March 21th
Back from Vancouver. Amazing city and people. Cant wait to get back. Anyhow, I am brutally and awesomely working more tunes to have enough to release a full length album in this style. More news on this soon. Also keep your eyes open for a 12" released by Rasputin Records, closer to summer.
Cheers to you all
News March 19th
I want to thank all of you Vancouveranians who showed up for the Zombie Girl show. It was a lot of fun and we all hope you enjoyed the show. Special thanks to Isaak and Darrin aka the goremaster for making the show kick more ass. The afterparty was shall we say liquid and I recall jumping around to some FLA tune..yah! Next day at Celebrities was good fun as well. Thanx to all of you dancing musiclovers. See you all soon I hope. Anyone having photos of the ZG show? Please contact us, we would love to see them! Cheers,
Seb News March 8th
After getting an personal appology by the "perpetrater" who did grab some of my songs we are now on the same page. I have deep respect for people who stand up revealing who they are and appologize. I hope this somehow made people more aware of the effect things like these have. So for future referance: If you are a DJ and really like my music, send me a message with information about your DJ activities and I'll see what I can do, doesnt have to be harder than that. Cheers,Seb News February 28th
This is to you, who take tunes of my myspace site and also the ZG site: Fuck you. Dont get me wrong, I appreciate you do all that just to have that song so someone can give you a nod for playing new music and all, but where's th e glory in taking it illegal hey? If you are a good enough DJ you should submit to labels so they send you proper promos and all. This is no good, shame on you whoever you are!!!!
CheersNews February 27th
A new track will be uploaded here tomorrow. The name is "The BeasT". Just finished mixing it last night. It's nature is breakbeats, but with a monsterous base and groove still in line with EBM and Industrial. Hope you enjoy it. I know my brain is like jellow after blasting it straight through my ears!
News February 24th
The track Electro Body Music will be for the first time released on the VampireFreaks compilation "Fuck The Mainstream"
For a complete bio please visit the following links;
Bio coming to this site soon.
The tracks "The Generator [ring modulator] and "Disorder" will be released on a 12" in early 2007 by Rasputin Records.
Seb is in the process of creating enough tracks for a full length album in this style
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My Interests


Member Since: 12/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Sebastian R. Komor - Music, programming and production. Also the songwriter in Zombie Girl, Icon Of Coil and Moonitor.
Influences: My main influence is the love for music and how music can positively effect thousands of people's lifes.
I've been into electronic music as far as I can remember. Depeche Mode got me into it, Front 242, Frontline Assembly and Nitzer Ebb shortly after. I do also enjoy music such as Jean Michel Jarre, The Orb, Orbital, Leftfield, Timo Maas and the like, not to mention Underworld, Hardfloor, Plastikman, Kraftwerk, William Orbit, Bjork, Goldfrapp..etc..etc
My tracks are basically a mix of the music I enjoy with my own personal twist. I constantly try to come up with new ways of presenting EBM inspired baselines mixed with new technology and sound.
I do listen to rock/metal as well, it opens minds and I like to be wide open when it comes to what music can be and all the flavours music has to offer.
Sounds Like: Past, present and future melded into a sonic recipie, mixing electronics and guitars: Machine and human, programmed sounds and sounds created by Mother Earth or myself, then twisted and edited into grooves and songs.
If you enjoy danceable electronic music with balls, edge and attitude, this could just be something for you. Or maybe you just like how deep baselines makes you feel....turn this up loud and you'll feel it alright..
Record Label: unsigned/Fixt Music/Rasputin Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Squarehead- the new electro project from mastermind Sebastian Komor (Icon of Coil, Zombie Girl, Moonitor)Get your copy right now, right here, by going to the FIXT Music store @http://www.fixtstore....
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 06:43:00 PST

iLike me - More tracks, get the tracks on your facebook..etc

Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 02:15:00 PST

Re: Connected 3.0 out now. Komor Kommando and Zombie Girl tracks. Get your copy now!

V/A . alfa matrix  re:connected [3.0]Release Date:    7.nov.2008Label:                 Alfa matrixFormat:        ...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:25:00 PST

New Godhead album out including Melt remix by Sebastian Komor!

One Month From Today& One month from today on October 7th, Godhead's new full length album, 'At the Edge of the World' ...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 06:43:00 PST

Big self promotional comments wont be posted here people.

Just getting sick of these huge comment poste people think I would want to post on my myspace...dream on. No offence but fuck, be realistic here. Posting something that just promotes goo...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:03:00 PST

AYRIA EP produced by Sebastian Komor [IOC, Zombie Girl]

[Mar. 14 2008] AYRIA - "The gun song EP" EPCD ..TR> PRICE: EUR 14 Shipping included worldwideOriginal Release Date: Mar. 14th. 2008Label: Alfa MatrixFormat: EPCDCAT. NR: AM1109EPCD (PayPal) For p...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:28:00 PST

Exclusive Cellweller interview I did for Vampirefreaks is online

Hi world. Go to and check out the fresh and exclusive interview I did of Celldweller aka Klayton. It's on the main page for now, but if you read this later, the complete link ish...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Wed, 21 May 2008 06:29:00 PST

Sebastian Komor - Electro Body Music ( Freak Edit ) Electro Body Music - written by Sebastian Komor...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 11:01:00 PST

ZOMBIE GIRL music in Zombie Flick. Check the trailer NOW.

Bubba’s Chili Parlor [2008] Directed by Joey Evans Starring S. Mike Davis, Camille Rocha, Audery Elizabeth Evans, Ramie Mercado, Bradley Maroney, Adrienne Gibson, Tristan Vaughan Includes music...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:33:00 PST

Interview on VampireFreaks with news, gossip and music, a lot of music,.

New's from Seb/Xenomorph productions. A recent interview done by End : The DJ is now posted on the Vampirefreaks website.It's quite extencive and covers a lot of ground and history, and a lot of ...
Posted by Sebastian R. Komor on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:07:00 PST