Grime Artist: G.H.E.T.T & O!!! is the best emcee 4 me ever, Lightnin, Seac, Demon, Kano, No Lay, Wiley, Scorcher, Skepta, Jammer, Danger Mouse, P.Nearo, Beck, Tips, C.A.P.S., Devlin, Sttuta, D Double, Skilla B, Mumbles, Smiler, Black Jack, Calibre, Merscton, Wretch, Napper, Exploder, Slix, Footsie, JME, murkle man, BABYLON BuRNER, buck, bossman, creepa.. and many many others
Grime DJs: I Love Logan Sama The most!!
I like some czech artist too: Indy a Wich, VEC, LA4, ..
others: KRS One, Lyrical Eye, C.Monts, Emdee, NI .. and onBring Da Hype - D-ville
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Hip Hop Kemp 2006!! the best hip hop festival in Europe! check out the video and look for me init :oD hahah. ( in 1:20th minutes) Fuck tha police on my back!!.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....
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Logan Sama, Ghetto, ?? , Tony Black at Hip hop Kemp 2006 (Czech Republic).. best show i ve seen at Hip Hop Kemp.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....
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