They are a musical frankenstein, thick lashings of deep set grooves and catching melodies homespun and stitched together, somewhat ugly, somehow enchanting. But it’s only when you see them live you realise it’s safe to say it. Tortoise H*E*A*D Platoon is an accident, a one of a kind musical oddity. Too strange to keep, too rare to lose.Everything from funk, blues, jazz, rock, country and even metal all fall into line beneath the hands and minds of Newcastle based band, T*H*P. Focused and confident as they strut their stuff on stage, flinging wild energy about with reckless abandon, one can’t help but wonder how such technical complexity can be matched with such enthusiasm.
But as unlikely as it seems, none of what is now known as T*H*P was planned on. It happened completely by chance when Sam Abbott (drums) stumbled across Kel White (bass, vocals) in a recording studio in june 2006. Completey unaware of each others ability they decided to get together for a jam. But something was still lacking. So hand picked completely at random one hour before sam and Kel’s next jam, Ben ’Russel’ McCauley
was thrown into the mix.
Finding that while their musical backgrounds were completely dissimilar from one another they shared a common interest in empowering audiences with positive energy, and bringing fun, excitement and enjoyment back into live music. So, to get the job done, (and drawing influence from their various backgrounds,) the trio cobbled together it’s own genre,
"manic ronk(rock/funk)"
No limitations, no preconceptions.
You’ll just have to see it for yourself.
Feel like stalking us? [email protected]
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And plaster it all over your myspace!!
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