I love water, especially the hose. I also love cats. I am not good with birds (either psitticine or poultry), and I do have problems with other unneutered male dogs. I really like to chase rabbits when I am not chasing girls (two entirely different sports heh heh heh ).
Many hot babes, other podengos, and really anyone else with the same kind of animal magnetism that I possess. Intact male dogs should keep a good distance from me.
Of course, Nelly Furtado, Tavares, and any good jazz or classical.
"Three Wishes," "Zeus and Roxanne," "Soccer Dog," "Homeward Bound 2," "Dante's Peak" ,"Second Hand Lions", "Monster in Law", and "The Lake House".For more info about podengos in the movies check out http://whpodengomedio.tripod.com/id1.html
Deadwood, various commercials on TV
The Portuguese Podengo by Mr. Victor Viega
Quagmire, Triumph the insult comic dog, Nikki and the other movie star podengos, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie, Pete the pup from OUR GANG.