xkillerx profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

headz up,
if you're looking for fancy pictures, cool vidz and a background so sh1tty you cant read anything else because of it, you've come to the wrong place.
instead, i'm offering content, Content and CONTENT.
more and more stuff will be added as time goes by. mostly through my (ugh) blog. yes i hate blogs, whatever, it's a means to an end, now go read some.
for those with a short attention span here's some basic short short stuff about what goes on here and what the hell am i all about.
first and foremost, i'm straightedge vegan. that means i dont use ANY kind of reacreational drugs, no matter how legal, illegal, light, strong or "eye-opening" as they are told to be. and even more important, i dont eat or use any kind of products of animal origin. animals are my friends, and i do not eat, kill, torture, exploit or hurt my friends.
??WHY?? you ask. because i see an endless amount of reasons to live this way, and to be this way, and NONE that makes sense to be otherwise. it is only common sense NOT to fsck your mind and body up, and even more important, to HELP, NOT HURT!!
if you're shaking your head in disbelief and leave this profile thinking i'm an asshole - well, they're quite correct. i am a jerk. but at least i know my mistakes. and my cruelty ends where my compassion begins.
meat is still murder, dairy is still rape. vegan straightedge, forever.
and for crying out loud - consider someone else, for once. stop consuming animals.

My Interests

veganism, straightedge, animal liberation, animal rights, hardcore, DIY, computers, overclocking, martial arts, science fiction, anime, manga, slamdancing, violent dancing, moshing, stagediving, healthfood, living clean, GTD.

I'd like to meet:

meet your meat.


music is music. if you get it, great, if you dont... fuck you. go listen to your pop-rock-folk crap and choke on it, right now please.

job for a cowboy + yann tiersen
horse the band + bebel gilberto
kids like us + mussorgsky

and all the vegan straightedge hardcore there is.


Adaptation. Eternal sunshine. Deconstructing Harry. Pirates of Silicon Valley.








all the vegan, AR and sxe warriors who never caved in.

many of them are rotting away in prison.

every day you spend your shit life ignoring injustice and supporting the injustice system, people who give a fuck rot away because of YOU.

My Blog

For as long as people think...

ANTIMANIAX - Chili Con TofuMix maize, flour, salt and water and kneed it to a hard paste,You do good by adding the water by spoons.If the paste starts to crumble, add some wheat meal.Knead the paste a...
Posted by xkillerx on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 04:19:00 PST


absolute hatred for your kind boils within me every day.blood flows through our veins. that's where our similarities end....
Posted by xkillerx on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 04:09:00 PST

visiting the zoo? fuck you!!!

zookeepers and zoo-owners are so fucking obsessed with how much they love and care for animals? oh really?that's the same thing when a child abductor kidnaps a baby or a young child and sticks him/her...
Posted by xkillerx on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:45:00 PST


i feel it is extremely significant i try talking some sense into people overwhelmed with irrational stupidities. together, we can help improve ourselves and instead of worrying about shit that DOES NO...
Posted by xkillerx on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 05:18:00 PST

humans are carnivores.... NOTTT

in case you still have your thumb up your ass i recommend you remove it from there and stick your fist in your mouth, and shut the fuck up at last about humans being carnivores. HUMANS ARE OMNIVORES. ...
Posted by xkillerx on Thu, 24 May 2007 03:02:00 PST


IT'S NOT HARD TO BE NICE.some many people come fronting and acting up like being veggie is hard, not buying animal tortured products is hard, telling people you can't share their meal is hard, facing ...
Posted by xkillerx on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:18:00 PST

animal cruelty and exploitation list

[give respect, get it back: ripped this one from Delphine's blog. go check out her space, she's in my top friends list. thanks D!]THIS is your food, THIS is your science, THIS is your clothing, THIS i...
Posted by xkillerx on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 04:06:00 PST

a half truth.... is a whole LIE.

[give respect, get it back:originally from: http://www.tribeofheart.org/tohhtml/truthiness.htm thankyou's for the always outspoken AR activist dave noisy of OrganicAthlete.org for posting it on Vegan...
Posted by xkillerx on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:10:00 PST

live and learn.... and die anyways.

[give respect, get it back: this passage has been ripped off from uros "2lions" jojic from actiontrip.com; thankyou's for my buddy scavanger for pointing it out for me - keep it up.]It is absolutely g...
Posted by xkillerx on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 01:35:00 PST