About Me
After almost three years of long work, and after five months of rehearsals and arduous recording sessions, we have finished the process of creation and recording of our more ambitious and new production called Inquebrantable. This one counts with an unprecedented production on the bands side, the album was recorded at the MCP Studio from Argentina and mixed and mastered at the AntFarm Studios from Denmark, where it has been worked with great professionals like Martin Carrizo (drummer of the band A.N.I.M.A.L.) in Argentina (in charge about recording, sound and providing his participation as guest musician recording some music parts of the album) and Tue Madsen in the mix and mastering of the same one (producer of bands like Sick of It All, Heaven Shall Burn, Caliban, Born From Pain, etc. more info: www.antfarm.dk)
The album counts with an unprecedented production and takes a historical international flight to what the South American Hardcore is, leading to its highest expression the faithful reflex of quality which abounds in the musical scene on the third world.
This project was achieved thanks to the union of great labels like Liberation Records (Brazil), Firme y Alerta Discos (Argentina), New Eden Records (USA) Alveran Records (Germany) and Storm of Justice (Switzerland, label who are charge of the limited LP Vinyl version), who gives his confidence making this album Inquebrantable a dream come true, the culmination of the history of a band who started his activities at the beginning of 1998, becoming a project that reaches a dimension never imagined by us which it has exceeded all deposited expectations.
The artwork was made it by one of tops HC design artist from Europe, Rafal Wechterowicz, (Ringworn, Sunrise, Integrity, Narizss, Bridge to Solace, etc., for more info check his own my space http://www.myspace.com/wechter) did all the artwork and you can see a copy of the cover in our myspace, this is a highly expected release and it’s going to leave a lot of people with their mouth open.
Concerning about the music and sound achieved on this album, it can be said that as a band weve preferred go back to the same roots of Hardcore, turning over the creation of music with fast and totally aggressive parts, brutal mosh cuts and some metals riffs, the change on the sound is very notable, making it more evident the intensity and fury generated since the first song till the last one. With direct and sincere lyrics, that reflects the live essence achieved through the years but without letting go the roughness that characterized the group since their beginnings. Clearly defining the musical maturity reached, very different not only in composition as well as the sound on this album, differs from what was a previous NUEVA ETICA sound.
With this production NUEVA ETICA pretends to break all frontiers of the entire world and promote this new album till the last corner of the Earth, projecting tours for USA, a Second European Summer tour, Latin America, Brazil, Chile and Argentina.
NUEVA ETICA INQUEBRANTABLE CD Full length - Out Now 2006!!!
For more info check these sites: