music, family, the Church, outdoors, active fun, travel, cultures, truth
People with a story. I like meeting people and find life is better the more people I meet, the more experiences are shared with me, the richer life seems.
all/most styles...gotta have words worth thinking about piano, acoustic guitar and vocal. praise and worship Some old Favorites... and Cyrstal Lewis
most recent favorite was Gridiron Gang that I saw with some jr. high age residents at a children's home in Yonkers. Hope is hard to come by. TRANSFORMERS.
House, CSI:NY
Bible (enjoy ESV and the Message currently), True Faced, The Journey of Desire, Ruthless Trust by Brennan Manning (new to me) Another one... "Jesus in Beijing", the complete guide to natural healing ;-)
my mom, lots of people have been heroes to me- high school students to pastors to leaders to bus drivers :) Mr. Teera, our van driver in Chang Mei, Thailand...incredible guy! Other heroes added to the list are the missionary families living in East Asia I had the pleasure of meeting in Novebemr. There's a lot to do, and so many opportunities. Have you ever considered living overseas?