Rome, The Colosseum, The Gladiators, Tour Guiding, Tour Guide Books, Book about The Gladiators, Elizabeth. .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
I would like to meet the Gladiators of course. They were brave men. They fought for their lives. Roman times were dangerous ones and I knowing this as Oreanna, therefore am wanting to meet them to say to them that I am Oreanna and my life has been devoted to learnning and teaching about their bravery.I would also like to meet the homeless that caused the burning, that caused the smoke, that made the black.
I like the 'Eye of The Tiger'. I listen to it whilst preparing for another day of being your guide. I imagine that Oreanna is a Gladiator who fights in the pit. I would be a good Gladiator, Elizabeth says.
Gladiator .. width="425" height="350" ..
I do not watch the television as there are not enough programs of interest to Oreanna. She is not interested in the world news of today.
The Gladiators from Capula, Volume 8. A beautiful book. I cry.
Vlad the impaleor