Let's see I love to volunteer my time.I love shopping ask my husband but I do value bargains sales.I am always looking for talent whether it be singing, modeling ..anything really.I am always recruiting for some type of show.Talent Show...Car Show...you name it.So if you know any cute faces who would love to model for a car show hit me up...I am looking for two females between the ages of 16-18 to perform in a trio singing group alas two of my girls are moving away and leaving me with the decision to find replacements.You must be able to sing and have the look to fit the group!I love Zombie and ghosts movies.I am into watching off the wall Japanese horror movies and alot of those off the wall asian movie flicks.Most of all I love Karaoke too....................But really I here for the children because I believe the Children are the future...
KID RAINEN!!!He's my boyfriend..ssshhh don't tel the hubby!It's okay he's madly in love with Gwen Stefani!.. .. ..
Hip-Hop, R & B...anything thats cool but country music...oh yah I hate polka music too...http://h1.../Crs75/AsianFolkMusicofJapan-Oriental-Japa neseBambooFlute.mp3
Uh there are so many I guess right now I m digging that movie The Notebook... any type of horror movie especially Japanese Horror flicks....... those Japanese sure know how to scare the hell out of ya! I just bought the Da Vinci Code book for my honey and he sais it was "Great!" Gotta check that out...or maybe I'll wait for the movie....
No time for TV...anymore...
I am done with books in the meantime since I finally graduated on May 20th! Yes, finally again...now to finish decorating my new Dance Studio "DIVERSE DANCE STUDIO" Dancing with a cultural twist!
I think can be anyone or any people who take the time to do good things or make good things happen to other people!