Tricia "SuperTunerShow Model Coordinator& profile picture

Tricia "SuperTunerShow Model Coordinator&

Next Event October 18th Str08 Hip-Hop Entertainment Baby!

About Me

I am married to Christian Peligro Orpilla and we have three kids together.Christian, Desiree and Noah.I used to be a big time party woman going out almost like every day of the week, your typical bad girl as I was known back in the day here in VA. I been through some tough times and through the support of true friends and family support I would not be here today helping the local youth like the way my husband and I do now. Bascially been there and done that! Kids everywhere cannot lie to us, we know all....bhuahhaahaaa!Scary, isn't it?Unlike alot of my old friends who still have their parents support their nightly habits of going out, getting drunk, and wasting money on alcohol,my husband and I have so much to show for.A house, a business now two a car parts shop and a dance studio, wonderful children, and most of all each other and it is all ours.Dont get me wrong I still like to go out and drink and wouldn't mind drinking socially with old friends. I loved to dance this is what we have been up to these days...We are very active members in the community.I am currently Mrs.Visayas of Virginia 2005.We are members of The UIAT.Crs was the Public Relations Officer and I am the Make up Artist for several dance youth troupes, was one of The Chairs for the Performing Arts and Corresponding Secretary of the actual organization itself.I am the Special Events Coordinator for The Pampango Youth Club.I am also a volunteer Cheerleading Coach for The West Kempsville League.I was a Tahitian ad Hula Performer for Mrs.Serna's School of Music and Dance.My daughter Desiree was the current Little Miss Philippines 2004 and 2005.She now holds the title of Miss Pre-Teen Virginia Beach, she was also a member of a singing and dance group formally known as RD7 1650. The group has opened for Thats so Raven and has opened for Kelly Clarkson.Now she is a solo artist and goes by the name of "Lil Desi", check her out at I am also the Founder and Youth Advisor of The Young Filipino American Dancers of Virginia.YFAMD is on the rise.They have just won two competitions this summer and placed in third in another.They kids are starting to compete more in the hip-hop world and will be featured on a television show on Sept.27th in the Washington DC area.If you wanna hit me up I can be reached at [email protected]... 7574393391 to book Lil Desi or YFAMD. Lastly I own and operate with my husband and two of our dear friends STR08 Hip-Hop Entertainment L.L.C. check us out at [email protected] Our business line is 7574392011 and our email is [email protected] To help YFAMD out we are frequently holding some time of fundraiser.The money goes to costumes,props,dance education workshops/seminars,competition,and transportation.All important maintenance to keep the group running to representing Virginia to the fullest. Here is a link to our online mall one of our newest fundraising ventures and hopefully you can support us and browse through our lovely online mall.Once again thanks for your support!YFAMD and The Orpilla Family thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

My Interests

Let's see I love to volunteer my time.I love shopping ask my husband but I do value bargains sales.I am always looking for talent whether it be singing, modeling ..anything really.I am always recruiting for some type of show.Talent Show...Car name it.So if you know any cute faces who would love to model for a car show hit me up...I am looking for two females between the ages of 16-18 to perform in a trio singing group alas two of my girls are moving away and leaving me with the decision to find replacements.You must be able to sing and have the look to fit the group!I love Zombie and ghosts movies.I am into watching off the wall Japanese horror movies and alot of those off the wall asian movie flicks.Most of all I love Karaoke too....................But really I here for the children because I believe the Children are the future...

I'd like to meet:

KID RAINEN!!!He's my boyfriend..ssshhh don't tel the hubby!It's okay he's madly in love with Gwen Stefani!.. .. ..


Hip-Hop, R & B...anything thats cool but country music...oh yah I hate polka music too...http://h1.../Crs75/AsianFolkMusicofJapan-Oriental-Japa neseBambooFlute.mp3


Uh there are so many I guess right now I m digging that movie The Notebook... any type of horror movie especially Japanese Horror flicks....... those Japanese sure know how to scare the hell out of ya! I just bought the Da Vinci Code book for my honey and he sais it was "Great!" Gotta check that out...or maybe I'll wait for the movie....


No time for TV...anymore...


I am done with books in the meantime since I finally graduated on May 20th! Yes, finally to finish decorating my new Dance Studio "DIVERSE DANCE STUDIO" Dancing with a cultural twist!


I think can be anyone or any people who take the time to do good things or make good things happen to other people!

My Blog

almost one year later

hmmm...its almost that time again and I just wanted to reflect and count my blessings and somewhat vent...freedom of speech, right? right so lets see I thank god for my husband and my talented and won...
Posted by Tricia "SuperTunerShow Model Coordinator" on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 07:14:00 PST

Turning the "Big 30"

Hello everybody the "BIG 30" is coming tommorrow...ewww  I am so dreading it.I guess I'll leave bday gift requests for the special people who belong to if you guys are reading th...
Posted by Tricia "SuperTunerShow Model Coordinator" on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 02:31:00 PST