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stephanie baloy

hola :) sowwie, this myspace is only for my really personal friends (or old time classmates).. so if

About Me

.My name is steph. call me steph cuz i feel weird when people call me stephanie! hehe i don't know why. God is my world, my heart, my song & my everything! I (we) all fail so much, but thank God that His grace never runs dry. Truly a girly girl, but i've learned how to hold down a lotta things on my own. I know how to use a power drill, so watch out! :) haha. you'll seldom see me with girls, just the typical average homegirl who likes to kick it & chillllllllll. i look prissy on the outside, but i'm just a normal--boring-pajama wearing until nightime-cereal for dinner-loser who is down for whatever. madly insecure, but i'm working on it! :) God is helping me work on it, that is. lastly, i love to sing & someday, I wish to sing with Hillsongs all over the world! P.S. i love justin timberlake he mah baby! YEEAAAHH UH! :)
70107|| stankyork concrete jungle.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

the King of all Kings.

My Blog

frustration & frosting.

holy moles. my lola's cake is turning out SOOO BAD!!!!!!  its like a flashback of katrina's debutante cake. except this time i'm too tired to cry even though i feel just as sad. wow, its ridiculo...
Posted by stephanie baloy on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 07:58:00 PST

I'm in love with..

i discovered this on jimmy needham ('s page. read on:   To the ladies from my bride ...
Posted by stephanie baloy on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 11:40:00 PST

no pain, no gain.

Almost done with this book called "Practicing God's Presence" by a 15th century monk. Except that they've rewritten the book in lamen terms. The book consists of letters he wrote to his peers in order...
Posted by stephanie baloy on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:10:00 PST