.My name is steph. call me steph cuz i feel weird when people call me stephanie! hehe i don't know why. God is my world, my heart, my song & my everything! I (we) all fail so much, but thank God that His grace never runs dry. Truly a girly girl, but i've learned how to hold down a lotta things on my own. I know how to use a power drill, so watch out! :) haha. you'll seldom see me with girls, just the typical average homegirl who likes to kick it & chillllllllll. i look prissy on the outside, but i'm just a normal--boring-pajama wearing until nightime-cereal for dinner-loser who is down for whatever. madly insecure, but i'm working on it! :) God is helping me work on it, that is. lastly, i love to sing & someday, I wish to sing with Hillsongs all over the world! P.S. i love justin timberlake he mah baby! YEEAAAHH UH! :)
70107|| stankyork concrete jungle.