I love Pu$$y! Doesn't everybody, But seriously, I like a Di?k every now then, You know every other YEAR or so, LoL!!! I'm just a Wild Girl that Loves doing Wild $hit, what can I say. I think a womans body is soooooo beautiful, especially..........Tha A$$! I remember when I realized A$$ was THE most potent stimulant on tha Human senses, next to ........Tiddies! I'm tripping as I write this stuff ANYWAYS, I love A$$ thats all there is to it. I've got tell you girls out there reading this, really tha only time I like DI?K, is when a Bitch is rocking tha Strap On HA! I love to get Fuc?ed really well in tha A$$ from time to time.
I'm really a fuc?en Libertine! I was reading the Great Marquise De Sade's "Julliete" when I realized that about myself. Well Yall, I'm a fun loving girl with rich parents who can kiss my A$$, I get my own money! I'm a Student at USC(Go Trojans!) Majoring in Accounting (I like Counting Money) and I currently work at the Staples Center as a Waitress in tha BALLER SUITES WHERE THE TIPS ARE GREAT!!(I rarely get to see the players so don't ask about'em).
I get to see people like Donald Trump, Dr. Jerry Buss, Elgin Baylor ya know Corny People that aren't exciting. Well I take that back, I did fuck around with one of Dr. Buss's girls for a minute, I almost STOLE HER! Don't tell on me Shhhhh.... HA! MySpace is crazy! My girls and I go out and have FUN. If any of my SEXY FEMALE friends have some HOT SEXY PICTURES, send them to [email protected]