Jose profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Im an ok guy, like to fool and hang around if there's time, I also like to help my friends and do the best i can when they are in need. I'm a little sentimental, generous and friendly. I dont look for fights (Figthing doesnt resolve anything), I'm a very nice person once you get to know me and I work at the General Electric in Arecibo. I love to laugh, their's nothing better in this world than to have a good laugh or make people laugh. Sometimes I act crazy but hey who doesn't. Another thing about me is that I like to talk whatever that comes to mind. Any question you have just let me know. If you want to chat with me here is my E-mail address

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My Interests



Linking Park, POD, System of a Down, etc...


Action, Comedy and Scify


Family Guy, Simpsons, etc...


GOD and my sister