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"La politique fait partie du problème, pas de la solution." Tony Wakeford


The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud Tribe of Circle, Andrew King, Aghast, Halo Manash, Aeoga, Zoat Aon, Arcana, Ain Soph, Sophia, Apoptose, Triarii, Rosa Crvx, Jack Or Jive, A Challenge of Honour, Ordo Equitum Solis, Arkane, Golgatha, Death In June Wappenbund, Der Blutharsch, Elli Riehl, Der Blaue Reiter, In Gowan Ring, Darkwood, L'Orchestre Noir, Nurse With Wound, In the Nursery, Coph Nia, Cor Solis, Bleiburg, Thorn Agram, Militia, Mental Measuretech, Predella Avant, Volksweerbaarheid, Les Joyaux De La Princesse Turbund Sturmwerk, Allerseelen, Sturmpercht, Forseti, Omnicore, NoN, Sixth Comm, Freya Aswynn, Shinkiro, Asmorod, Karnos, Wolfsblood, Weihan, Somwhere In Europe, Sonne Hagal, Bearer Of The Imnost Sun, Sangre Cavallum, Blood Axis Algiz, Pilori, Varunna, Luftwaffe, Dies Natalis, Nothvs Filivs Mortis, Lonsai Maikov, Lady Morphia, Haus Arafna, Sieben, Stormfagel, Ghosts of Breslau, Genocide Organ, Fire+Ice, Tenhi, Boyd Rice, Rome, Der Feuerkreiner, Argine, Ataraxia, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Of The Wand And The Moon The Soil Bleeds Black, Scivias, Neardeath, Raison d'Etre, Karjalan Sissit, The Protagonist, Current 93, Orplid, HERR, In Slaughter Native, Desiderii Marginis, Changes, Dawn And Dusk Entwined, Spiritual Front, Regard Extreme, Skadi, Endura, Chod, Les Sentiers Conflictuel, Sol Invictus Seven Pines, Gae Bolg, Kirlian Camera, Omne Datum Optimum, Cadaverous Condition, Gregorio Bardini, Leger Des Heils, Julia Kent, The Evaptoriat Report, Neither Neither World, Hagalaz'Rundance, Camerata Mediolanense Neun Welten, Sturmast, Solblot, Test Dept, Geneviève Pasquier, Jaegerblut, Thorofon, C17H19NO3, Kreuzweg Ost, Will, Joy Division, Throbbing Gristle, Nico, Nick Cave, Diamanda Galas, DAF, Einsturzende Neubauten, . . .


Le Tambour, Salo les 120 journees de Sodome, Les Damnes, The Wicker Man, Das Blaue Licht, Alexandre Nevski, Estigmas, Le Septieme Sceau . . .


Le Prince (Nicolas Machiavel), La philosophie dans le boudoire (D.A.F. de Sade), Orage d'acier (E. Junger), Les croix de bois (R. Dorgeles), Le soldat oublie (G. Sajer), La mort en ete (Y. Mishima), Le Mythe ..hulhu (H.P. Lovecraft), Le Conte du Graal (Chretien de Troyes), La mort d’Arthur (T. Mallory), . . .