Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org profile picture

Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org

Please use your turn signals" That extra split second of reaction time for anyone near-by to react t

About Me

Write your Congressperson - http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Ask them: "If the #1 Cause of Fatalities on American Roadways is Unintended Lane Change Crashes, at a cost of 23,000 Lives Annually or 60 Deaths a Day, then why isn't there any National Effort for Turn Signal Awareness and Enforcement?"
SignalAmerica.org campaign mission is to increase Turn Signal enforcement and use nationwide.This campaign focuses on building public-private partnerships, enacting strong legislation, maintaining active, high-visibility law enforcement, and conducting effective public education.
WAKE UP AMERICAN DRIVERS Every State has a law that requires drivers to turn on their turn signal before changing lanes. If these laws are obeyed, the number of unintended lane change crashes and road run-offs would be greatly reduced.The NHTSA and the insurance industry have reported that unintended lane change crashes have been the direct cause of 23,000 annual fatalities on U.S. roadways. When drivers signal before making a lane change they give others on the road an extra split second of reaction time to adjust their driving. An extra split second is all that is needed to avoid the swerve that very frequently causes crashes and road run-offs. A person's life can either be saved or lost in just a split second.

My name is Heather Derusha, Living and surviving on American roadways, I watched the Birth of Road Rage as we call it today.In the beginning, it was mainly the Drunk Drivers that would jump in front of other drivers without any Turn Signal Notification, not allowing the affected driver enough space and making them slam on their brakes or swerve out of the way, which caused road run-offs, crashes, or roll-overs resulting in Injuries and Deaths. I have observed the whole system of signaling one's intent while driving a Lethal Weapon break down bit by bit. When drivers signal their intentions they supply everyone around them with that vital split second extra reaction time, that I know would drastically reduce the 43,000 annual traffic Fatalities(116 people Killed a day) and the daily 17,000 reported crashes on American roadways. It is no coincidence that studies report that the majority of Americans admit that they do not signal before making a Lane Change and the NUMBER ONE CAUSE of FATALITIES on our Roadways IS UNINTENDED LANE CHANGE CRASHES. The Crashes are not intended but most of the Lane Changes are. Drivers just look and go. Unfortunately there are too many drivers using this behavior at the same time on our over-crowded roads
"About Me" For many years I was a Top Level Celebrity Driver, and estimate I passed the 3-million-mile mark a while back. I drive about 500 miles a day on average, day-in and day-out, more than 100,000 miles a year times 33. Now I am the owner of a courier-delivery business in Atlanta and Tampa. This is how I qualify myself as something of an expert on motorists’ increasingly turning or changing lanes without signaling in advance. I figure that is the “real” cause of hundreds of thousands of crashes that safety experts and law enforcement investigators overlook, to the driving public’s peril.
Speeding may escalate a highway crash into a fatality,”. But what often causes the crash itself, is failing to signal,before moving right to left, And officers on traffic patrol rarely ticket anyone for failing to signal their intent,when changing lane's. I have talked to Police Officers who have told me that because of the low priority set for using turn signals by their department head's, that they are often discouraged from pulling someone over for not using their turn signals. I have great respect for Police Officers, but many I have talked to feel they have their hands tied on the subject.
Here's a picture of me in 1977 as a Chauffeur for “Roots” Author, Alex Haley and Mrs. Esther Edwards “Motown Founder Barry Gordy’s Sister”
Click here to see a diagram I created to illustrate crashes and road runoffs I have witnessed or view my Pics for the same image
Honeycutt for Congress

My Interests

Join our National Campaign on Turn Signal Enforecement Group

I'd like to meet:

People Who Love Children and Respect Themselves, as Well as All Human Life.There Is Nothing more Important on Earth than Human Life!!!! NBRA Chairman Frances Rice + Dr.Martin Luther King, Anne Frank, Dr. Alan Keyes, Abraham Lincoln, The New Hampshire Director of Motor Vehicles Virginia C. Beecher and Dennis Prager
Please Click here to Join our National Campaign on Turn Signal Enforecement http://groups.myspace.com/SignalAmerica



Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Dionne Warwick and Frank Sinatra.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was a Man for all of the people.Those Who Do Not Study History Are Condemned To Repeat It. Please contact www.NBRA.info


Over the last 4 decade's Government programs distributed over 7.5 Trillion Dollars to help the poor soul's in our Nation. What did our Corrupt Politician's do with all of that money? Why is there still so much Poverty in the USA?


Drivers Education! The Importance of Turn signal use! Signaling your Intent while driving a Lethal Weapon.Look! We're in Time Magazine 2nd from the last Paragraph http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1627004,00. html


My Mother and Father, my Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, Children and Grandchildren. George Romney, The Best Governor Michigan ever had 1963-1969. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. President Ronald Reagan. Dr. Charles Tucker, The NBRA Chairman Frances Rice and Anne Frank

My Blog

Virginia: Not Using Turn Signals Reckless Driving

§ 46.2-860. Failing to give proper signals.  A person shall be guilty of reckless driving who fails to give adequate and timely signals of intention to turn, partly turn, slow down, or stop, as requi...
Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:28:00 PST

Letter of Reference from Katherine Graham, Former Chairman of the Board for the Washington Post

"One of the twentieth century's most powerful and interesting women." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_Graham ...
Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Wed, 07 May 2008 04:30:00 PST


I have seen many speeding and tailgating crashes that I know would not have happened if the person or persons had the turn signal flashing in the front and the rear of their vehicle to let t...
Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Sat, 05 May 2007 07:02:00 PST

International Campaign for Turn Signal Enforcement

Rikka  Started an International Campaign for Turn Signal Enforcement, great minds think a like! http://groups.myspace.com/turnsignalenforcement It goes without saying this is a global problem, on...
Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 01:10:00 PST

NoTurnSignal.Com Post Turn Signal Offenders

Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 02:25:00 PST

Join a discussion on turn signal use!

Join this blog on turn signal use!
Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Sat, 05 May 2007 08:36:00 PST

Support the American Burn Association and Local Foundations

American Burn Association - www.ameriburn.orgPlease reference the American Burn Association's link. Use the link above to find your local Burn Foundation and Centers....
Posted by Turn Signals Save Lives www.SignalAmerica.org on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST