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Smash Jones

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i CURRENTLY HAVE ............

DAMN i've got some WiCKED style.
no joke, my style is off the wall.
they call me
join my fan club. =]
i'm by far,
the brightest crayon
in the box.
sPONTANEiTY is my middle name.
feelin' kinda irie with the reggae stylee..
i'm so left coast that
i'm left handed.
i'm not like other girls....
i know myself very well.
this kid has .
...the real deal.
i'd rather be valued for my eccentric behavior
as opposed to just another skirt with hair and boobs.
beauty is a curse and vanity is a sin.
my dog is my bestfriend
in the whole wide world.
i can't even imagine what
life was like before DOOBiE.
as Brad is to Louie
or as Ron Burgundy is to Baxter.
NOBODY will get under my skin.
and NOBODY will posess my soul.
i've stopped dating
because i have recognized
no matter what their age, race, status,
or how different they seem-
i only attract
(or i am subconsciously attracted to)
selfish, inconsiderate, immature, little boys.
i don't give a hoot
what people think of me-
however, i do value the way
i am treated by others.

"genuine, unwavering confidence
is simply the realization
of one's own self-worth."
i'm out of control no doubt.
riDiCULOUSLY feisty...
...a total smart alec.
i stay so positive when times are hard
that i surprise myself.
i'm not going to go as far as saying
that i'm LOW MAiNTENANCE but i'm
definitely aDAPTABLE to any situation.
with a bORDERLiNE gENiUS i.Q.
don't mistake my confidence for cockiness...
this kitten is no pushover.
my life story is one major shock factor.
it becomes more shocking each day.
Character cannot be developed
in ease and quiet.
Only through experience
of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened,
ambition inspired,
and success achieved.
.. "i've been to parties
where no one spoke to me
for a whole evening.
the men, frightened by
their wives or sweeties...
and the ladies would gang up
in a corner and discuss
my dangerous character ."
-Marilyn Monroe
i believe that living well
is the SWEETEST revenge.
even though at times it can be really hard to do,
i always try to walk by FAiTH
not by sight.
i'm my own scene... i like it that way.
punk rock changed my life.
tRUE sTORY: i smash it up in a mosh pit.
if you can match my wit
you might catch a break with me.
please try not to fall in love with me.
fame is NOT what i crave.
i crave to inspire .
i have no problem whatsoever rollin' ANYWHERE solo.
in fact,
i enjoy it.
is where my heart is.
i hate when people say the word "dRAMA"-
[now i'm totally frickin' pissed that the asinine word is even on my page LOLz] especially when they use it repeatedly.
you will always get what you're dwelling on.
"you can spend minutes,hours, days, weeks
or even months over-analyzing a situation
trying to put the pieces together,
justifying what could've would've happened
-or you can just leave the pieces on the floor
and move the fuck on..."-tUPAC sHAKUR

"fame is a vapor.
popularity an accident.
riches take wings.
only one thing endures,
and that is character."
my girls are the shit. =)
please take the time to add them and help get these babies home safe...

My Interests

...because the only people for me
are the mad ones,
the ones who are mad to live,
mad to talk,
mad to be saved,
desirous of everything at the same time,
the ones who never yawn
or say a commonplace thing,
but burn, burn, burn
like fabulous yellow roman candles
exploding like spiders across the stars...
-Jack Kerouac

.:.a few of my favorite things.:.
+ punk rock.
+ family.
+ the beach.
+ bonfires.
+ one liners.
+ peace.
+ doobie.
+ the rooftop.
+ divebars.
+ black licorice.
+ chivalry.
+ north oc.
+ tea.
+ jack daniels.
+ jack nicholson.
+ the lakers.
+ reggae.
+ real people.
+ viva las vegas.
+ classy lounges.
+ house shoes.
+ the smell of coconut.
+ spontaneous trips.
+ those people in my top friends...
+ slash.
+ hits from the bong.
+ karaoke.
+ boys clothes.
+ lake havasu.
+ shopping.
+ 49ers.
+ horror flicks.
+ house parties.
+ the color red.
+ laying in the sun.
+ stoners.
+ peanut butter.
+ hip hop.
+ disneyland.
+ mexican food.
+ clean sheets.
+ people watching.
+ jaegermeister.
+ the dodgers.
+ camel lights.

.:.negative vibes.:.
- fakers.
- ostriches.
- me being expected to eat fish.
- war.
- the word "drama."
- pop music.
- the color pink.
- feminists.
- chauvinist pigs.
- the dallas cowboys.
- elevators.
- condescending individuals.
- wine
- catty bitches.
- tequila.
- people that want to talk politics drunk.
- people that want to talk politics period.
- judgmental individuals.
- tweakers.
- spiders.
- lies.
- taxes.
- drug addicts.
- tribal tattoos.
- pretty much any sports team from boston.
- hypocrites.
- rats.
- bats.
- tofu.
- racism.
- yuppies.
- tongue rings.
- people that can't control their booze intake.
- those that aren't okay with themselves.
- sauerkraut.

my angels...

I'd like to meet:



this is me...
i know what's up... =] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

no doubt and bradley nowell
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i'm an entourage addict.
the NFL... i'm a niners fan (hush up) but ill watch any good game.
The Lakers are smashing...
and you gotta love those dodgers!!


princess daisy
google it.


Miss Gwen Stefani... She has kept it real for years... And she has been my favorite since before anyone else thought she mattered.

My Blog

the girl that was numb to agony.

Here we go again folks.  Death is laughing in my face once again.  Only this time I can't hear the laugh.  If I didn't see the Grim Reaper's mouth in the shape and motion of a cackle th...
Posted by Smash Jones on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:09:00 PST

My obsession with the truth and all that is real.

My feelings are hurt. Lately- true colors are some of the ugliest colors I have ever seen. I don't think there are many people out there that can handle or grasp reality- let alone BE REAL. The worl...
Posted by Smash Jones on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:35:00 PST

MY DiSCLAiMER... Read this before contacting me... THANKS!!!!

Alrighty so... I get some of the strangest messages on here (as I'm sure we all do) so I'm going to answer a few questions so you don't waste your time, or mine. I really am a nice girl but I'm tire...
Posted by Smash Jones on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:19:00 PST

for those of you claiming you’re "gangsta..."

SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.  Everyone knows if you really were a gangster you wouldn't have to tell people.  You all say how "hood" you are- being hood isn't glamorous... And most of...
Posted by Smash Jones on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 10:22:00 PST

to my dearest friends...

PLEASE take care of yourselves and be safe. i can't lose another one of you! i LOVE you all more than you'll ever know and i don't think any of us can take much more.
Posted by Smash Jones on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 02:22:00 PST