I generally like everything. I am more biased to music of course. I think that astronomy is fasicinating and that persuing your dreams should be your ultimate goal. Give me a shot-put and I will be happy, I love track and field.
Hal Sparks because he is an awesome actor. Coldplay because they rock. Someone happy and sexy! No dramatics please!!
I like all kinds of music, except for some heavy rap and death metal. I listen to a lot of classical and some techno because I play the violin, but it's all good!
The Lord of the Rings, Patch Adams, The Dark Night, and the Harry Potter movies. Comedies and fantasy.
I do not watch a whole lot of T.V. because I have no time. But when I do I watch the Discovery channel, national Geographic and the History channel. I just find a lot of the other stuff not worth my time. But don't get me wrong, I do watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Logo T.V. Futurama and Soccer.
Which Family Guy character are you?<>
The Scriptures. The last book I read was The Sword of Shannara.
Albert Einstein, Jesus Christ, Thomas Monson and Joseph Smith.