About Me
Ambassador Hakeem D. Collins is a new revolutionary 21st century apostolic leader called of God to father, mentor, activate and to release a regeneration of radicals, revivalists, reformers, pioneers and world leaders for unprecedented moves of the Holy Spirit. He is a cutting edge prophetic voice, known for his revelatory teaching ability, powerful prophetic preaching, unique prophetic psalmist anointing and uncanny apostolic-prophetic-miracle ministry. He has traveled throughout the United States and abroad giving vanguard apostolic insight in the areas of foundational doctrine, prophetic evangelism, intercession, spiritual warfare and the miraculous. He is a trailblazer and a pioneer who releases the miraculous with signs and wonders as an ambassadorial itinerant leader. He possesses a very strong "John the Baptist" anointing for apostolic decrees and prophetic declarations over governments, cities, regions, churches, leaders, individuals and nations. He is recognized by many for having a kingly anointing and mantle as like Moses and King David for releasing the heavenly patterns and models of the Kingdom of God, while imparting the wisdom and knowledge of God to the body of Christ. His ministry is also earmarked by the release of the Kingdom's power into the lives of believers from all ages, backgrounds, and denominations to experience the supernatural. Ambassador Collins passion and apostolic responsibilities nationally and internationally is to father and mentor this next generation of world changers. As a modern day apostle of God not by man nor commissioned through men but through the Holy Spirit by the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised him from the dead has called, appointed, and anointed this end-time Prophet-Apostle to the nations. Introduced to God and the prophetic call at an early age by way of visions, dreams, and angelic visitations by the Lord Jesus Himself, has catapulted him into supernatural encounters from his childhood until now. Ambassador Collins was said by his grandmother that he was preaching and singing at the tender age of (3) and when he was (8) he later acknowledged for himself that he was indeed called and ordained to preach the gospel of the Kingdom. He later answered the call of ministry with intense preparation, God quickly began to train, educate and develop him maturely in his prophetic and seer gifting, allowing legal access to properly, precisely, and accurately see and operate in the realm of the spirit with authority and accountability. With many obstacles and suffering throughout his life as a young man, the devil thought that through a lifestyle of the streets, gang activity, fornication, drugs and alcohol, rebellion, and a life of sin would steal, kill and destroy the plan, will and purpose of God on his life, but the weapon was formed, but it did not prosper. Ambassador Collins was later established in his calling and was commissioned by God to the governmental "Office of the Prophet" at the age of (14), by many prophecies by seasoned apostles and prophets of God. Paying the price for the call has humbled him to minister in humility, compassion, power and love. Ambassador Collins is Founder and Overseer of H.O.P.P.E Worldwide Ministries, Incorporated, Founder and CEO of Hakeem Collins Ministries Worldwide and Kingdom T.E.A.M International Apostolic Network of ministries, churches, and businesses. In December of 2004 Ambassador Collins received prophetic impartation and the spiritual mantle and anointing of John G. Lake for miracles, healing, and deliverance as an apostle with the laying on of hands by Apostle Gene Chapel and his apostolic team which commissioned him into the apostleship and in May of 2004, he recieved prophetic impartation from his spiritual grandfather Prophet Bob Jones. Ambassador Collins also works as a team with his twin brother Apostle-Prophet Naim D. Collins of E.S.C.A.P.E Worldwide Ministries, which they are recognized as the “SONS OF THUNDER†and the “TWIN PROPHETSâ€. Ambassador Collins burden and commissioning is to impart and activate the gifts of the Spirit in order to train, transition, mobilize, birth and release strong apostolic and prophetic teams into the nations and to establish governing local ministries, churches, and leaders into the body of Christ and bring reformation, transformation and the fullness of Christ and His Kingdom to society, communities, cities, regions, and nations of the world and to discern and pull down territorial strongholds and strategically establish the Kingdom and the Kings agenda and will in those territories. Moreover, He possesses a unique healing anointing and special miracle mantle to cause supernatural healing and miracles through His hands. He is indeed an end-time general, that God is raising up. Ambassador Hakeem D. Collins is currently submitted under the Bishopric and local covering of Bishop Bruce V. Parham of Oasis of Refreshing Ministries of Wilmington, DE. Ambassador Hakeem D. Collins is (26) years old, a native of Wilmington, Delaware, single, no children; his parents are Eric Guy and My Queen Paula Collins of Wilmington, DE. His prophetic and apostolic accountabilities and mentors are: Apostles Matthew & Kamilah Stevenson of Chicago, IL, Prophet Bob Jones of Asheville NC, Prophet Kenneth and Brenda McDonald of Statesville NC, Prophet Brad McClendon of Charlotte NC, Bishop Marcia Pitts of New Castle, DE, and Prophetess Eileen Draper of Wilmington DE. Apostle Samuel Fatoki and Prophet-Pastor Jannie Pinkett both of Baltimore, MD. Ambassador Collins has 4 sisters and 2 brothers in which one is his twin brother.
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