Kingdom Vision Ministry Center, Inc. profile picture

Kingdom Vision Ministry Center, Inc.

About Me

Welcome to Kingdom Vision Ministry Center's myspace page! We are very excited about what God is doing in the body of Christ. It is our desire to see people step into the Destiny that GOD has pre-ordained for them from the foundation of the world. In order to get to that place we must first step into a "kingdom mindset". We are a part of the Kingdom, the Kingdom of GOD. We must have "Kingdom Vision" (see things from a kingdom perspective) if we want to see things change. When we realize who we truly are then we can walk in POWER, AUTHORITY, and DESTINY! You can't change the way you are until you first change the way you think! ************************************************************ ****Our mission comes from Eph. 4:12. "To perfect the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifiying of the body of Christ." As an Apostolic ministry it is our desire to see the vision and purpose of God come to pass in your life. To see you step into the fullness of what God has ordained in your life. Also, as a prophetic ministry it is our goal and passion to see you restored in every area of your life, so that through your restoration you may do the same for someone else. ************************************************************ ****The Challenge: We are challenging the body of Christ to rise above the rest! We challenge you to PRAY We challenge you to be COURAGEOUS We challenge you to FIGHT We challenge you to WIN We challenge you to CHANGE We challenge you to MAKE A DIFFERANCE We challenge you to GO We challenge you to ANSWER THE CALL If you don't WHO WILL?******************************************************* ********* Word from the LORD Tuesday May 29 5:00 p.m Phase- A distinct stage of development: I feel the spirit saying that it is time to prepare for the next phase, the next distinct stage of development! We have to take the steps that we need to take in order to see the vision come to pass.... SHIFT, SHIFT, SHIFT, There is a shifting in the spirit realm, there is a a shift from one phase to the next, there is a call going out.. a call to the next level a call to the next place... a call to the next phase. Seek his purpose for the vision seek his will for the ministry... the spirit says seek and you will see! Its time for a shift, It's time for puropse... It's time for change, ITS TIME TO MOVE! ************************************************************ ***Kingdom Vision Ministry Center is expanding the ministry under the direction of the Holy Spirit! We have started an Apostolic Network of Churches and Ministries called "Kingdom Vision Ministerial Fellowship." Our goal is to help other ministries become what GOD has called them to be. Empowering ministries through impartation and fellowship.Through the fellowship you can obtain the following:* Certificate of Ministry * Ministry License * Ordination * MembershipFor More information on KVMF please email me at [email protected]
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For more information on Momentum Ministry Training please send your e-mail to:[email protected]********************************* ************************************************************ **************** Kingdom Camp Meeting 2008! "From Glory to Glory!"Pastor Justin Preaching
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My Interests


Member Since: 17/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Bishop Justin A. Vaughn- CEO/Overseer, Joshua M. Taylor- Assistant Pastor, Julie Vaughn- Worship Pastor, Melanie Hughes- Secretary,
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Prophetic Word 2007

Prophetic Word 2007 Pray for the year 2007. Word from the Lord: 2007 will be a year of manifestation. Manifesation of what? Well 2006 was a year of preparation. It was a year that God was preparing ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:58:00 GMT

Access to His presence.

Zechariah 3:7- Thus says the LORD of hosts: If you walk in My ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My house ans have charge in My courts, and I will give you access [to My presence] and p...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 08:46:00 GMT