Cool SlideshowsGetting more of HIM and being in HIS presence. I enjoy Family, friends, work, church, singing and SHOPPING. Talking to people that are like minded and that are full of life, can stimulate my mind, sharpen my spirit and that are REAL!
The Triune God Head! GOD the Father, JESUS CHRIST his Son, and The Holy Spirit.Also all those He puts in my life and path. N-E 1 I may help or push further in their life with His help to find their pupose, destiny or calling.
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Cool Slideshows
I love Gospel Music!! Tye Tribbett &; G.A.,Deitrick Haddon, Myron Butler, Lucinda Moore, Dorinda Clark, Karen clark- Sheard, D. Lawrence, Donnie Mcclurkin, Isreal Hought, Dorrey Lyles & Tribe of Judah East, Hezekiah Walker, Youthful Praise, Jason Nelson, Kim Burrell, J Moss, and the list goes on!! R&;B, Hip Hop, (anYthInG uRBan) Ragaeton and anything that gets me hype! But I'm forever listening to PREACHERS!!
Scream 2&3, Titanic, , Home Alone 2, The Gospel, Fighting Temptations, Passion of the Christ, Love and Basketball, The Wood, Are We There Yet, Madea's Class Reunion, Diary of A Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion, Last Holiday, Boys N The Hood, Next Friday, Wedding Crashers, Something To Sing About, Meet the Browns, Coach Carter and a few others.
106 & Park, TBN, The Church Channel, Good Times, Trading Spaces, Girlfriends, One on One, CSI, Real World, NEXT, HOUSE, ER, The OC, American Idol, Meet the Parkers, Six Feet Under, Project Runway, A Different World
The Bible (KJV, Amplified, NIV, the Dakes Annotated Bible. Short stories and Black Expession books. Matters of the Heart, Threshing Floor, and a Purpose Driven Life.
My mom is one of the strongest black women I know for raising me(awww!) My Elite A-List peeps that are my partners in crime...literally. Jai Muh, Britt, Tiara, Duddah, Mikey J, Jay, Lee T, Shakeia, Nada, Kourtney, Raymond, George, Tony, Ren Ten and a select few more. Bishop Charles and Dr. Diana Lyles and VFPDC Fam. By far the most important is GOD the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.