...cHiLLaXiN.... ...muSic...daNcE...fOoD...sPorTs...mOviEs... ...tRaveLLiNg...maLLiNg...sHoPpiNg...BaRhOpPiNg... ...dRiviNg..nah..noT ThaT mUcH..i acTuaLLy fiNd iT TiRiNg... id RaTheR Be siTTiNg oN thE pAsSeNgeR sEaT N jUsT cHiLL yL oN d RoaD... .............TheN.,i couLd jUsT do maH ThiNg..ü
N guys read this rule to post some comment!!
i dont wanna break this lay out...
i customized it as i want,
so dont try to comment out of the format......
1. Don't put some imgs which width size is more
than 300pixels.... it causes resizing the table cell...
actually this is the main reason that breaks the table size
* if image's width size is more than 300pixels, juz give a
size option, very simple... juz paste this after image's url
width=300 but after url give a space then paste width=300
2. As long as u can, juz comment with plain txt......
3. If u r not good with HTML code, don't try pls.......
4. If u want to make ur comment nice-lookin, juz use
tag(but delete the space), every one of
tag can change line for example, if u use twice,
after the txt line it will make an empty line without txt...
use it 3times? it will make 2 empty lines... it's easy......
so try it... n make ur comment look so in order n nice...
This is not juz 4 my profile page 2look better, u can use
this TIP in other member's pages also, n even in ur Edit Profile
page when u update ur page, juz try my tip in ur profile to edit...
then after that.,click the preview button then u'll c how it displays
different, then use this simple tip in ur friends' pages, too........
did u check ur preview page? then what r u waiting for? last step
juz click the submit button, n it's done!!! enjoy ur myspace~~~~
Pag d ka nka follow 2this rule tanggalin ko na comments nyo...!!
RnB.,.sOuL.,.pOp.,.HouSe.,.tRaNcE.,.tEcHnO.,.RegGaE.,.jUZ LovE iT!! ..........mUsiC iS my LifE!! cAn'T sLeEp w/ouT iT...cAn'T ThiNk w/oUt iT.,.can'T eVeN ReaD oR sTuDy w/ouT iT..fOr mE iT's NoT jUst pLaiN NoisE...iTs soMeThiN deEpEr N mOrE mEaNINgfuL.,.it sOoThEs mE aNd ReLaX mY sEnSeS...jUsT cAn'T iMaGiNe LiFe w/oUt MUSIC...hAaaAayyyy!!!!ü
oNLy yOu.,uNtAmEd heArT.,SwEeT NoVemBeR.,wHeN a mAn LoVeS a wOmAn.,sErEnDiPiTy.,cAyoTe uGLy.,sAvE tHe LasT DaNcE.,A wALk To rEmEmBeR.,50 FiRsT DaTeS.,iF OnLy., wHiTe cHicKs.,AmEricAn PiE.,sCaRy mOviEs.,BadBoyS I & II.,ThE TaXi.,BarBeR sHoP I & II.,bRiNgiNg dOwN tHe HoUsE LOTR TriLoGy.,BeHiNd eNeMy LiNeS.,PeArL HarBouR.,wiNd TaLkeRs.,BriNg iT oN.,yOu GoT SeRvEd.,HoNeY.,n a LoT LoT mOrE!!
FRIENDS.,mTv_CRIBS.,Riki LakE sHow.,wHo's LiNe is iT anyway.,JeNny JoNeS.,CSI.,mTv_PUNKED.,ETC. .......im noT a cOucH poTaTo thouGh..i cAn LiVe w/oUt tHe TeLeviSiOn SeT..BuT iD sTiLL gO w/ The MOVIES..ü
cHickeN sOuP 4d SICK patiEnt.,.aNyoNe..?!?
iT's sTiLL God fOr mE.... ...His wOrks aRe uNBeLieVaBLy AmAzIng N ReaLLy wOnDeRfuL... pErSoNaLLy.,i'Ve BeEn ThRouGh A LoT.,i FeLT HeLpLeSs aT TyMs.,diDn'T kNOw jUsT wHat To dO.,diDn'T kNow wHom i cAn TuRn To.,BuT u kNOw.,As TheY sAy.,God wOrks His miRacLes N iVe sEeN oNe oF Them..BuT Hey.,im NoT tRyiN 2sOuNd Lyk oNe Of ThosE pReAcHeRs THaT U sEe bUt ReaLLy... i'vE BeEn TOucHeD By aN aNgeL N iTs ReaLLy sOmEThiNg sO ReMaRkaBLe!! God kNows jUsT wHat wE wAnT.,jUsT wHat wE NeeD N jusT wHaT wE dEsErvE! He's NoT oNLy wATcHiN...He's LookiN wAy deEp dOwN EacH aNd EvEryOnE oF uS.,He LIsTeNs To wHaT oUr HeArTs dEsiRe aNd he wOrks HIs wAyS!! i jUsT wNa sAy ThaT EvEryTHiNg ReaLLy HaPpENs 4a ReaSoN.,nO maTTeR hOw dEsPeRaTe wE cAn FeEL aBouT hAviN TheSe pRobLems.,tHey'Re jUsT LikE sPicEs ThaT wE aDd To oUr fOod tO aDd TasTe.,aLso iN oUr LiVeS..jUsT To maKe ThiNgS mOrE ExciTiNg N coLoRfuL..N oF cOuRsE.,fOr Us To sEe AnD To aPpReciATe LifE's mEaNiNg.,To LeArN fRoM oUr OwN miSTakEs aNd FaiLuRes....BuT sOoNeR oR LaTeR..U wON'T EvEN kNow..EvERyTHiN's Back To NoRmaL oR mUcH EveN BeTTeR..wE OnLy hAvE To bE ReaLLy PaTiEnT aND wAiT fOr ThE pErFecT TimE ThaT God HaS pLaNnEd FoR uS....