Christian ward profile picture

Christian ward

Splashing paint and pixels over sexy lines everywhere

About Me

I'm a London based artist with too many eggs in basket and enough hair on my head. I'm a canvas based painter interested in narative paintings with a splash of abstract. I'm also s illustrator, working mainly in photoshop.I also have a healthy interest in comic illustration. In my spare time i like to write and have far too many first chapters which one day may becoming fully fledge novels..

My Interests


Sufjan Stevens, King creosote, Fence, guillemots, radiohead, onthefly, Cornelius, jim o'rouke, Four tet, Guitars, Beeps, squelches, zips, boings and humming


Pt Anderson, Del Toro, Michel Gondry, Spike Jonze, studio ghibli. fave films...Life aquatic, Punch drunk Love, Oldboy, hana-bi, Akira, Kikis Delivery Service (awww), Shawshank redeption, Taste for tea, nolan, Memento, brick, labyrinth


As a device for DVD's otherwise -Futurama, Green Wing, Peep Show, Spaced, Curb Your Enthusiasm


Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, warren Ellis, Murakami, Tokyo Canceled, Time travelers Wife, watchmen, V for vendetta


with capes