Culture JammingIn a world where public space is being rapidly colonised by corporations for yet another advertisement, it is inevitable that those who enjoy that space demand that some space be left unsponsored, and begin to seize it back.Culture jamming has provided the tools for the public to vent its frustration over this colonisation. It demands that consumers need not be subjected to an unending stream of marketing messages - and that they be given the right to talk back. Kalle Lasn, editor of Adbusters magazines, uses the precise metaphor of jujitsu to explain the mechanics of a jam. "In one simple deft move you slap the giant on its back. We use the momentum of the enemy."And so a 'Joe Camel' billboard is jammed to read 'Joe Chemo'. A 'TV Mobile' sign becomes just 'TV Bile'. An 'Absolut Vodka' ad becomes 'Absolut Nonsense'. With a slight of hand, culture jammers take the mickey out of aggressively marketed corporations.But culture jamming isn't simply about against-the-system pranksterism, or ragtag vandalism. It's about having a social conscience about the messages that we see around us everyday, and rather passively accept them, be willing to do something about it.Words by Jared Tham. Published in The Package, 9th July 2001.