psychology, i'll add more to this later because there's a lot to add, but for now i'll just stick with saying psychology. crap. now i gotta come up with something to fill this since i changed my profile layout. i'll get back to ya' on this. :)
As far as celebs go - John Cusack, Hugh Jackman, any of the Monty Python members, Brad Sherwood, Hugh Laurie. And I would have loved to have been able to meet Audrey Hepburn.
Authors I'd like to meet - well, there are only two living authors I can think of - Nick Hornby and Dave Barry, and I actually had a chance to meet Dave Barry (though I would definitely go again should another opportunity arise).
Otherwise, I would have liked to have met Jane Austen, Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, and the late great Douglas Adams.
And as far as everyone else goes, if you're nice, fun, and at least a little weird, we'll probably get along just fine.
Message me on AIM at: DariasMystkSpirl if you want to chat.
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Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
You Belong in Paris
Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth.
What City Do You Belong In?
Buried at
Your Life is Like
High Fidelity
What John Cusack movie are you?
I like pretty much everything but rap. Some of my favorite artists are: Rooney, Everclear, Lisa Loeb, Garth Brooks, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Kelly Clarkson (so far only her album Breakaway, but I'm addicted to it!), Something Corporate, The Beatles, and I adore Mandy Moore (you can stop making fun of me now). I love a wide variety of music. I credit a lot of it to playing an instrument growing up. I find that most people who play/have played an instrument tend to have a wider appreciation for all types of music. I've got around 3,000 audio files on my iPod of pretty much everything imaginable - from various European language rap songs to swing music to music from various musicals to classical music to entire comedy albums of several different comedians to the alt rock/pop punk/punk/emo stuff that tends to be my favorite. To sum up the music I tend to enjoy the most: "I love self-loathing complaint rock you can dance to." ~Dora Diamond (Mena Suvari) in "Loser"
Sabrina (the remake...and the original); High Fidelity; Interview with the Vampire; Roman Holiday; Charade; Pride & Prejudice (the miniseries with Colin Firth); Reality Bites; Girl, Interrupted; Dead Poets Society; any of Kevin Smith's movies; When Harry Met Sally; Better Off Dead; anything with John Cusack; anything with Audrey Hepburn. I'm a romantic, so romantic comedies tend to be my favorites, but it's not even close to the only genre of movie that I enjoy watching. ...and I just realized...I don't have Star Wars in here! That's blasphemous! Star Wars (How could I forget that?) Favorite Movie(s) Currently Still in Theaters: The Simpsons and Stardust
The Simpsons!!!! ...and the one and only other show I make a point of watching - House. Hugh Laurie is frickin' aweseome. Invader Zim. I want to adopt Gir. He's just too freakin' cute! TV Shows I own on DVD: Monty Python (every season), At Last the 1948 Show, Do Not Adjust Your Set, Invader Zim (Seasons 1-3), The Simpsons (Seasons 1-9), Futurama (Seasons 1-4), House (Seasons 1 & 2), Fraggle Rock (Season 1), Red Dwarf (Seasons 1,2,4,&5), Clerks (the animated series), Kids in the Hall (Season 1) And one show I would love to have every season on DVD that I don't have any season of yet: I Love Lucy because who doesn't love Lucy?! Oh, and I like American Idol. I admit it. I'm hooked. After hating the first few episodes of season 1, by the last episode I was hooked and voted for Kelly Clarkson, like, 20 times.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the whole "trilogy"), Jane Eyre, The Bell Jar, Catcher in the Rye, Sophie's World, Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers (if you've read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and/or seen any of the British TV series Red Dwarf, it is laugh out loud funny. don't be a gimboid. smeg off and read it already!), anything by Nick Hornby, anything by Dave Barry, anything by Neil Gaiman
If anyone knows of any well-written, humorous sci-fi along the lines of Hitchhiker's and Red Dwarf, or any 1984 or Anthem-esque dystopia types of books, definitely send me a message. I'm a book nerd and would love to talk books with you!
Just finished: 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
Currently Reading: 2010: Space Odyssey Two by Arthur C. Clarke
On Deck: Stardust by Neil Gaiman - for the 3rd or is it 4th time? The only book that matches it in the number of times I have reread it is Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and perhaps High Fidelity.
So I don't know what the deal is but this layout that I'm using doesn't have a television section and I don't have any heroes - so screw you layout designer - here's my TV section:The Simpsons!!!! ...and the one and only other show I make a point of watching - House. Hugh Laurie is frickin' aweseome. Invader Zim. I want to adopt Gir. He's just too freakin' cute! TV Shows I own on DVD: Monty Python (every season), At Last the 1948 Show, Do Not Adjust Your Set, Invader Zim (Seasons 1-3), The Simpsons (Seasons 1-9), Futurama (Seasons 1-4), House (Seasons 1 & 2), Fraggle Rock (Season 1), Red Dwarf (Seasons 1,2,4,&5), Clerks (the animated series), Kids in the Hall (Season 1), The Muppet Show (Season 1) And one show I would love to have every season on DVD that I don't have any season of yet: I Love Lucy because who doesn't love Lucy?!