I'm looking for a woman who can hate me for not only who I am, but who I could have become. I think most of the women in my life are too shallow to get to know the real me and the wasted personal potential that I will always be. Then you learn what true failure personified is.
Kinda like when I sometimes fall asleep on the drive to work. Hell, sometimes I never make it to work at all. Sometimes I wake up outside some elementary school muttering "mmm-hmm, that one there would be mighty good with some tater-tots" under my breath. (Great, Fish, way to get the FBI studying you just that much more closely. But then they'll realize that I'm, in fact, on Guam and that those McDonald's-fed kids actually would go good with tater-tots.)
Or when I drink too much so that I can forget. Then I do forget what I'm forgetting and then I begin hating myself. Then I remember that I am drinking to forget that I hate myself and that when I'm sober I hate other people so that I can stand being around myself. Then I am so blinded with hate I try smashing a beer bottle over my own head. Only, unlike the vague reality of the movies, its not the bottle that breaks.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Kazoos. A thousand fucking kazoos.
The story of my life. How will it end? Who will play me? (If it's Neil Patrick Harris, everyone dies.)
Big, so big that I have to move out. The neighbors watch their soaps on them from their living room. And yet I still tune mostly to the music channels. Sigh.
Paul Felton.